As Preparations for the First Vatican Council Took Place, French Liberals Struggled to Organize Themselves

As Preparations for the First Vatican Council Took Place, French Liberals Struggled to Organize Themselves

When Pius IX published the bull Aeterni Patris convening the First Vatican Council in 1868, Ultramontanism was practically victorious in France. The Catholic movement had received a vigorous boost from the apostolate of the nineteenth century’s early Ultramontanes. Throughout the century, it advanced and remained steadfastly orthodox despite some leaders’ attempts to … Read more

What Comes After Liberalism? Nothing

What Comes After Liberalism? Nothing

The crisis inside liberalism has prompted many to admit its numerous problems. However, most people accept liberalism as a default because they find nothing better to replace it. Few know how to answer the stinging question: What comes after liberalism? Most replies either devise some plan within the liberal box (usually meaning … Read more

Massive Sacred Heart Billboard Campaign…

…Highlights Kingship of Christ this June America Needs Fatima is promoting a nationwide billboard campaign to proclaim June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The effort highlights the Kingship of Christ during a month now widely hijacked by LGBTQ activists. America Needs Fatima supporters are finding widespread enthusiasm for … Read more

Generation Zero: Why the World Is Running Out of Babies

Generation Zero: Why the World Is Running Out of Babies

Past generations have been named with letters such as X-Generation and Gen-Z. The latest generation has already been labeled Alpha. Perhaps the one after that should take the name Generation Zero. The reason will be the lack of babies to make a generation. A demographic winter approaches. Birth control and abortion have … Read more

Why Are Signs Appearing in the Heavens, and What Do They Mean?

Why Are Signs Appearing in the Heavens, and What Do They Mean?

By all metrics, the skies of 2024 are overwhelming in their display of the extraordinary. Celestial spectacles are appearing with increasing frequency for those who know how to gaze heavenward in wonder. Many witnessed eclipses on March 25 and April 8, which darkened many parts of the earth. However, the most spectacular … Read more