To the LA Dodgers, Keep Your Christian Faith and Family Day

To the LA Dodgers, Keep Your Christian Faith and Family Day

By doubling down on re-inviting the blasphemous “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” to receive an award on June 16, the Los Angeles Dodgers provoked the indignation of countless Catholics nationwide. Despite widespread calls to call off the symbolic gesture, the Dodgers were unmoved. They prized the validation of the nation’s woke establishment much … Read more

Supernatural Forces Clash at Dodger Stadium

Supernatural Forces Clash at Dodger Stadium

“[The present] crisis… spreads or unfolds, by the very order of things, in all powers of the soul, all fields of culture, and, in the end, all realms of human action.” These words were written sixty-four years ago by TFP founder Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, in his great work Revolution and … Read more

A Wave of Anti-Catholic Bigotry Sweeps America. Protest Now!

A Wave of Anti-Catholic Bigotry Sweeps America. Protest Now!

A homosexual hate group has gained prominence in recent weeks as public institutions have awarded it official recognition. This is drawing it out of the shadows of seedy red-light districts and into the mainstream, formerly protected by the norms that permit decent families and individuals to exist in society. Worse yet, the … Read more

The World Needs Backpack Heroes Who Seek After Beauty

The World Needs Backpack Heroes Who Seek After Beauty

The world was recently stunned by the image of a deranged Syrian man who went on a stabbing spree, attacking small children at a park in France. Perhaps even more stunning and inspiring were the actions of a young man who stood in his way armed with two backpacks . . . and his … Read more

The Real Reasons for Italy’s Immigration Crisis

The Real Reasons for Italy’s Immigration Crisis

Italian media have been rife these past months with references to an “immigration crisis.” The term “crisis” may be a bit overstated. Nonetheless, in the first four months of 2023, the number of illegal immigrants arriving on Italian shores, especially from North Africa and the Middle East, has more than tripled. This … Read more