Under the Ultramontane Banner, Clergy and Laity Win a Victory in the French Senate

Under the Ultramontane Banner, Clergy and Laity Win a Victory in the French Senate

The government’s unjust and unwise lawsuits against Catholics who criticized the National University System (called “the University”) strengthened the position of the Catholic Party in nineteenth-century France. The University’s supporters decided to go all out to end the resistance to their teaching monopoly. Their short-term goal was to obtain the Assembly’s approval … Read more

How Neo-Paganism Enters Our Culture with the Idea of Child Sacrifice

How Neo-Paganism Enters Our Culture with the Idea of Child Sacrifice

In its May 2023 issue, the usually political magazine Commentary published an extensive essay, “The Return of Paganism.” The article’s main point was that ancient pagan practices are returning to use and are embedded in many “modern” movements. Ancient and Yet Modern The article opened with an account of the so-called transgender … Read more

In the Pro-life Battle, Avoid the Unprincipled Like the Plague

In the Pro-life Battle, Avoid the Unprincipled Like the Plague

Many political observers say the November 2022 elections and other by-elections were disastrous for those who took principled stands on cultural war issues. They claim Americans are tired of the culture wars. The mantra is that having rock-solid views leads to ballot defeat. Radical moderates, for that is what they are, now … Read more

Why the Left Hates and Is Terrified by Natural Law

Why the Left Hates and Is Terrified by Natural Law

The left is taking the country to chaos through bizarre misinterpretations of the law. No longer relying upon precedent or even the strict lines of the Constitution, just about anything can be legally justified—abortion, assisted suicide, complete sexual license, new “transgender rights,” pronoun tyranny and other practices. Law is fluid and changeable … Read more