Why Do Liberals Give Free Reign to Those Who Destroy Order?

Why Do Liberals Give Free Reign to Those Who Destroy Order?

What America is now experiencing is the twilight of liberalism. It is not a beautiful scene of magnificent hues and fading light. It is a sinister darkening of society with tones of foreboding. Liberalism was supposed to have delivered a society of maximum freedom. Individuals could do whatever they desired while respecting … Read more

Ten Years of Pope Francis: “A Disaster, a Catastrophe”

Ten Years of Francis: “A Disaster, a Catastrophe”

“Buona Sera!”—“Good Evening!” With this commonplace greeting, devoid of any solemnity or unction, Pope Francis addressed the thousands of faithful waiting in Saint Peter’s Square for their newly-elected pope. These words set the style of his pontificate: informality, abandonment of protocol and disdain for ceremony. Ten years later, recently deceased George Cardinal … Read more

How True Stories of the Dying Can Help the Living

How True Stories of the Dying Can Help the Living

The prism of death often provides an excellent perspective to influence how to live. Thus, the book Life Stories of Dying Penitents or Sick Calls from the Diary of a Missionary Priest invites the reader to make serious, profound, hopeful and tragic reflections. Originally published in the late nineteenth century, the book … Read more