Marguerite Bourgeoys: The Story of a Teacher, Sister and Saint

Marguerite Bourgeoys: The Story of a Teacher, Sister and Saint

The crisis of Faith among Canadian Catholics was readily apparent, as the results from the 2021 census recently revealed: In just ten years, nearly 2 million Canadian Catholics left the Church. That’s a decline from 12.8 million Catholics in 2011 to 10.9 Catholics in 2021. While these statics are tragic, it underscores … Read more

Our Lady of the Bowed Head

Our Lady of the Bowed Head

Among the many miraculous images of the Mother of God through which she deigns to grant her favors, there is one in the monastery church of the Carmelites in Vienna, entitled the Mother of Grace, or Our Lady of Grace, also known as Our Lady of the Bowed Head. In 1610 a … Read more

Exquisite Ukrainian Easter Eggs Lift Hearts and Minds to God

Exquisite Ukrainian Easter Eggs Lift Hearts and Minds to God

Although eggs are ordinary and simple, a Ukrainian art form transforms them from a mundane breakfast item to a sublime masterpiece worthy of kings. This talent of etching or painting an egg is called pysanky. The art is full of symbolism related to Easter and many Catholic principles. Before the Ukrainians converted … Read more

Pius XI Founds Catholic Action

Pius XI Founds Catholic Action

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book, In Defense of Catholic Action, by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. This book denounced the germs of progressivism inside the Church in Brazil with remarkable prophetic insights. To commemorate this book, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family … Read more

Vladimir Putin Does Not Represent the anti-Davos Party

Vladimir Putin Does Not Represent the anti-Davos Party

The future of the war on Ukraine will depend on how it is framed. If the public can be convinced that the motive of the war is based on something greater than coveted territory and nationalist ambitions, people might look with sympathy at the Russian invaders. Nowhere is this framing more evident … Read more