After the French Revolution and Napoleon, French Catholic Leaders Emerge in the Nineteenth Century

After the French Revolution and Napoleon, French Catholic Leaders Emerge in the Nineteenth Century

In the first chapter of his book, Des interêts catholiques au dix-neuvième siècle (Catholic Interests in the Nineteenth Century), describing the situation of the Church in 1800, the Count of Montalembert saw ruins and persecutions everywhere. In that vast shipwreck, he did not see the slightest sign that would justify any hope … Read more

On His Deathbed Daniel O’Connell Offered “My Soul To God, My Body To Ireland, My Heart To The Pope.”

On His Deathbed Daniel O’Connell Offered “My Soul To God, My Body To Ireland, My Heart To The Pope.”

European liberals did not sympathize with the Irish Catholic movement. Daniel O’Connell fought for the freedom of the Church and against the errors of the French Revolution. In this struggle, he exclusively used legal means. He always avoided the revolutionary and violent methods so common in Europe at the time. These standards … Read more

When True Elites Take Charge, Problems Get Resolved

When True Elites Take Charge, Problems Get Resolved

People love to attack every type of false elite. Whether it be power, Hollywood, beltway and coastal elites, they all inhabit different swamps and use their influence to gain control. The populists point to these elites as the cause of many problems afflicting the nation. Throw them out! they cry, pitchforks in … Read more

Imagining a Heretical President

Imagining a Heretical President

Bishop Thomas Paprocki recently pointed to a crisis in the Church with his article “Imagining a Heretical Cardinal.” The learned canon lawyer masterfully laid out his case by quoting the positions of a “hypothetical” Cardinal (taken from an article written by San Diego Cardinal Robert McElroy, without mentioning his name). It does … Read more

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”

Faithful Catholics around the world were shocked by the announcement that the German bishops will create a “blessing” ceremony for homosexual “couples” and open the path for female “deacons.” Such decisions were made through what is called the German Synodal Path. Ever since it began in December 2019, the German Synodal Path … Read more

After a Lifetime Battling for Catholic Emancipation, Daniel O’Connell Has One Last Victory

In 1829, Ireland had 6,800,000 inhabitants, of whom only 800,000 were Protestants. Nevertheless, the Catholics were obliged to pay the expenses of Anglican worship and clergy upkeep, while Catholic priests lived off the charity of the faithful. On the other hand, this poor and weather-beaten region created conditions that made it difficult … Read more

The “Beggar King” Secures Passage of Catholic Emancipation in Great Britain and Ireland

The “Beggar King” Secures Passage of Catholic Emancipation in Great Britain and Ireland

In 1823, the cardinals gathered to elect Pius VII’s successor. They were divided into two main currents. The conservative “zealots” bore this name that indicated their orientation. The “moderates” supported Ercole Cardinal Consalvi’s less stringent positions. In addition to these traditional groups, Austrian Prince and Diplomat Klemens von Metternich tried to organize … Read more