How Prime Minister Gladstone Led the Attempt to Extinguish the Emerging Ultramontane Spirit in England

Many Catholics today are unaware of the immense contributions of the Ultramontanes of the nineteenth century to the resurgence of Catholicism worldwide. Prof. Fernando Furquim de Almeida (1913-1981) studied the movement and produced dozens of articles detailing its work. We have edited these articles and will be featuring them. They highlight the … Read more

Keeping Grandchildren Away from Grandparents

Keeping Grandchildren Away from Grandparents

Many aging and retired people express deep unhappiness in their relationships with children and grandchildren. Cries of Anguish The depth of that unhappiness was recently expressed in a pair of articles by the conservative pundit Dennis Prager. In the first, Mr. Prager describes a nightmare situation. “Parent after parent calls my radio … Read more

The 2022 Year in Review: A Civil War in the Catholic Church and a Shooting War in Europe Reveal an Unprecedented Ideological Confrontation

The 2022 Year in Review: A Civil War in the Catholic Church and a Shooting War in Europe Reveal an Unprecedented Ideological Confrontation

The Cold War earned its name because the superpowers, apart from a few proxy wars around the world, never began a direct conflict with each other. But at the time, the ideological confrontation between communism and anti-communism seemed certain to lead to war in Europe, as it did in Korea, Vietnam, and … Read more

Despite Liberal Attacks, Archbishop Manning Guides English Catholics to Accept the Papal Infallibility

Despite Liberal Attacks, Archbishop Manning Guides English Catholics to Accept the Papal Infallibility

Many Catholics today are unaware of the immense contributions of the Ultramontanes of the nineteenth century to the resurgence of Catholicism worldwide. Prof. Fernando Furquim de Almeida (1913-1981) studied the movement and produced dozens of articles detailing its work. We have edited these articles and will be featuring them. They highlight the … Read more

The Missing Ingredient: An Appeal to Beauty

The Missing Ingredient: An Appeal to Beauty

Recently, Daily Wire host Michael Knowles commented that of the three transcendentals—goodness, truth and beauty—American conservatives love to frame their arguments in terms of truth, often have recourse to goodness but give little importance to beauty. It is an astute observation that greatly affects their effectiveness. However, what are the transcendentals and … Read more

Why Are so Many People Homeless in the First Place?

Why Are so Many People Homeless in the First Place?

Upon taking office, the newly-elected mayor of Los Angeles declared a state of emergency to address the spiraling levels of homelessness. Tens of thousands of people sleep outside nightly on the city’s streets. Makeshift encampments have sprung up with filth, trash and drugs littering the sidewalks. Nearby residents feel unsafe as crime, … Read more