An English Bishop Plants Ultramontane Seeds in British Soil and Becomes a Curia Cardinal

An English Bishop Plants Ultramontane Seeds in British Soil and Becomes a Curia Cardinal

Many Catholics today are unaware of the immense contributions of the Ultramontanes of the nineteenth century to the resurgence of Catholicism worldwide. Prof. Fernando Furquim de Almeida (1913-1981) studied the Movement and produced dozens of articles detailing the Movement’s work. We have edited these articles and will be featuring them. They highlight … Read more

Giorgia Meloni’s Real Challenge

MILAN—As the polls predicted, Giorgia Meloni’s center-right coalition overwhelmingly won the election in Italy. By now, it has the numbers to form a stable government. If it follows democratic logic, Giorgia Meloni should be our next prime minister. Her rise brings a downsized but still strong Salvini. Silvio Berlusconi will also contribute … Read more

Does Canadian Assisted Suicide Relieve Pain or Speed Up Death?

Does Canadian Assisted Suicide Relieve Pain or Speed Up Death?

Euthanasia—sometimes known fictitiously as “mercy killing”—became legal in Canada in 2017. The first year saw the law used 2,838 times. Marked increases occurred ever since—4,478 in 2018, 5,425 in 2019 and 7,383 in 2020—the last year for which records are available. If the fatality rates for any disease climb as rapidly, there … Read more

“We Are Inferior to Them in Everything But for Possessing the True Faith”

“We Are Inferior to Them in Everything But for Possessing the True Faith”

Many Catholics today are unaware of the immense contributions of the Ultramontanes of the nineteenth century to the resurgence of Catholicism worldwide. Prof. Fernando Furquim de Almeida (1913-1981) studied the Movement and produced dozens of articles detailing the Movement’s work. We have edited these articles and will be featuring them. They highlight … Read more

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship

Starting this spring, Villanova University near Philadelphia adopted “inclusive language” that promotes “transgenderism.” It calls itself a Catholic university. Founded and run by the Augustinian order, Fr. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD. is the current president. Its Mission Statement reads: “Villanova University is a Catholic Augustinian community of higher education, committed to … Read more

Stop and Pray! How to Get Things Done ASAP

Stop and Pray! How to Get Things Done ASAP

A colleague of mine went to have some blood tests at a typical lab nearby. Being a good observer, he noted that the building was a modern structure with little architectural adornment. His eyes looked instead upon the office decoration, which allows people to reveal something of their individuality. In a workaday … Read more

The Pope Needs Reform, Not the Papacy

The Pope Needs Reform, Not the Papacy

As the title of Henri Sire’s book The Dictator Pope has it, we can say that Pope Francis behaves like a true despot. At the end of August (2022), he finally organized a consistory of cardinals but, in practice, muzzled them by dividing them into language groups. He only allowed a rapporteur … Read more

The Enticement of the Middle Way: John Henry Newman’s Failed Attempt to Reconcile Anglicanism with Catholicism

The Enticement of the Middle Way: John Henry Newman’s Failed Attempt to Reconcile Anglicanism with Catholicism

The Oxford Movement developed rapidly, thanks mainly to the success of the Tracts for the Times and John Henry Newman’s St. Mary’s lectures. Each new tract edged the Movement closer to the Catholic Church. It was increasingly evident that Newman and most of his diligent young disciples would eventually convert. Newman desperately … Read more