The Queen: A Canadian Subject Remembers…

The Queen: A Canadian Subject Remembers...

As a young Canadian from a rural town in Northern Ontario, half a world away from Queen Elizabeth II, I can say she profoundly influenced my life. The Queen represented a whole world of tradition and ceremony that was so crucial for me, growing up in a world that increasingly despises such … Read more

Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth: Parallel Reigns

Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth: Parallel Reigns

Pope Francis and Elizabeth belong more or less to the same generation. The pope is eighty-five years old. The queen has just passed away at the venerable age of ninety-six. Both were marked by twentieth-century tragedies: the Second World War for Princess Elizabeth and the dictatorship for José-Mario Bergoglio. Both inherited their … Read more

Is Maternal Instinct a Myth Created by the Patriarchy?

Is Maternal Instinct a Myth Created by the Patriarchy?

One of the strongest contradictions of procured abortion is that the practice is so contrary to maternal instinct. It defies the imagination of all those who have known and revere their mothers. The intimate connection over the time of pregnancy establishes an undeniable affection between mother and child. Thus, mothers cherish and … Read more

We Mourn the Queen

We Mourn the Queen

An era has ended. Queen Elizabeth II is dead, and the world mourns. We can say that the twentieth century officially ended as the last pillar of the postwar order fell. The Queen had her defects. In remembering her, some decry many of her political decisions. Others point to the deplorable things … Read more

“High Church Anglicanism” Became an Accidental Path to the One True Church and Ultramontanism

“High Church Anglicanism” Became an Accidental Path to the One True Church and Ultramontanism

The Oxford Movement began shortly after Catholic Lay Leader Daniel O’Connell compelled the English government to suppress some Anglican dioceses in Ireland. The Movement’s “flash point” was a sermon on “National Apostasy” delivered by Anglican Pastor John Keble on July 14, 1833. Pastor Keble’s sermon’s resounded broadly in Protestant circles. Recovering the … Read more

Chile’s Radical Leftist Referendum Suffers A Clear, Crushing, and Definitive Defeat

Chile’s Radical Leftist Referendum Suffers A Clear, Crushing, and Definitive Defeat

The September 4 Constitutional referendum in Chile was a clear lesson that handed an overwhelming defeat to the proposals of the radical left. The option was simple: Approve or Reject a 388-article projected constitution drafted at a constitutional convention completely dominated by extreme leftists utterly ignorant of constitutional law. Antecedents The text … Read more

Against Traditionalist Neo-Gallicanism

Against Traditionalist Neo-Gallicanism

The Barque of Peter, the Holy Catholic Church, has been sailing the seas of history for two thousand years. Sometimes the sea is calm, the wind is favorable, and the barque glides smoothly over the waves. At other times, the sky darkens and becomes threatening. The winds rage and a terrible storm … Read more