The Novus Ordo Weaponized for “Another Faith”?

The Novus Ordo Weaponized for “Another Faith”?

Editor’s Note: This is the last of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. The Mass “of Another Faith”? An Uncomfortable Question In the four aspects analyzed in the preceding parts—(1) the purpose of … Read more

From Priests of Sacrifice to Presidents Over Assemblies

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. The other articles are here, here, here and here. The Unique Role of the Priest in the Mass In Mediator … Read more

The Way Christians Dress Expresses Their Lived Christianity

The Way Christians Dress Expresses Their Lived Christianity

This article is adapted from the presentation of the book, Christian Fashion In the Teaching of the Church, by the author at the Calx Mariae Publishing launch on June 9, 2022 at the Brompton Oratory in, London. ✧                    †                    ✧ My book is an answer to the Dom Pollien, who concludes his book Lived Christianity with … Read more

From Sacrifice of Calvary to Memorial of Presence

From Sacrifice of Calvary to Memorial of Presence

Editor’s Note: This is the third of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. The other articles are here, here, here and here. The Holy Mass as a True and Proper Sacrifice When dealing with … Read more

From Sacrifice of Calvary to Memorial of Presence

From Sacrifice of Calvary to Memorial of Presence

Editor’s Note: This is the third of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. The Holy Mass as a True and Proper Sacrifice When dealing with the Eucharistic sacrifice, Mediator Dei reiterates the teaching of … Read more

Why are France and Spain All in Knots Over the Necktie?

Why are France and Spain All in Knots Over the Necktie?

The simple ribbon of cloth we call the necktie has come under brutal assault in the Spanish Parliament by socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez under the ridiculous guise of “saving energy.” At a news conference, he said, “I’d like you all to note that I am not wearing a tie; this means … Read more

On Pope Francis’s ‘Mea Culpa’ in Canada

Faithful to the mandate of her divine Master to “go into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), the Catholic Church, since her foundation, has carried out a great missionary work through which she has brought to the world, not only the Faith but civilization—sanctifying places, peoples, … Read more