Removing the Centrality of the Redemptive Passion

Editor’s Note: This is the second of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. The Paschal Mystery as the Center of the Celebration In the encyclical Mediator Dei, Pius XII underlines the centrality of … Read more

The Fight Against Abortion Must Focus on Combating a Childfree Culture

The Marxist perspective sees all things through an economic prism. Everything is about one class exploiting the others through power and money. Unfortunately, most people, even conservatives, adopt this skewed socio-economic view and make it the center of the debate. Conservative family policy is no exception. Thus, when the Dobbs decision overturning … Read more

The Primacy of Adoration

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

Editor’s Note: This is the first of five articles taken from an important study by French TFP director José Antonio Ureta about the theological foundations of the recent Apostolic Exhortation Desiderio Desideravi. In this article, the author will discuss how Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation sees liturgy differently from Pius XII’s Encyclical Mediator … Read more

“Ireland Should be Catholic, Not Socialist!”

Forming the Next Generation of Crusaders at Louisiana Call to Chivalry Camp

On a Monday afternoon in the peaceful town of Athlone, a shout rang out, “Ireland Should be Catholic, Not Socialist!” The young men with Irish Society for Christian Civilisation were back in town defending the perennial values of tradition, family, and property. The specific issue for the public’s attention was the worrying … Read more

When People Greeted Each Other with Courtesy and Purpose

How President Biden Honored A Woke Catholic Nun

We live in brutal times without transitions. Everything must be instant and rushed, leaving no time for reflection. Thus, relationships become mechanical and inhuman. We need time to ponder, even if just for a minute, to get our bearings. This is why we develop small social conventions to aid our judgment and … Read more

A New Crusade To Fight Against The Sin Of Abortion

Thousands of Pro-Lifers Say Ireland is Next Following the End of Roe

From July 16 through August 1, young volunteers with The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) campaigned throughout the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama against the sin of abortion. With the reversal of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court, their message was simple: … Read more