Walgreens Employees Who Dare Say, “Thou Shalt Not!”

Unfortunately, the most normal thing in our immoral and abnormal times is for a person to acquire contraception from a local drug store all over the modern world. Contraception is one of those settled issues that no one is supposed to oppose. However, the opposition continues. . . especially in America. Two cases recently erupted … Read more

Germany’s “Synodal Path” Takes the Church Toward Disaster

Germany’s “Synodal Path” Takes the Church Toward Disaster

In a June 2019 letter to German Catholics, the Vatican expressed its concern about the “synodal path” of that nation’s bishops. The spirit, although not all the conclusions of the German “Weg” or path proposes a new “model” that Cardinal Mario Grech, general secretary of the German Synod of Bishops, calls a … Read more

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

Three Reflections About the Defeat in Kansas

The defeat of the state ballot referendum about abortion in Kansas has the liberal establishment ablaze with talk about the need to take the middle route in a post-Dobbs world. If solid-red Kansas rejects the strong anti-abortion option, they argue, the position clearly has no future. Leftist commentators claim the right must … Read more

The Catholic Freemasonry

The Catholic Freemasonry

The following article is adapted from the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧ A feature of the modernist movement, as indeed all modern heretical movements, was secrecy. In the novel The Saint, published in 1905 in the form of literary narrative, Antonio Fogazzaro … Read more

Pope Francis Calls Cuba a Symbol—of What?

Pope Francis Calls Cuba a Symbol—of What?

Cuba was recently mentioned during a July 12 interview Pope Francis gave to Televisa Univision’s ViX streaming service. His remarks cannot help but cause consternation to those suffering in this communist island prison. “I love the Cuban people very much,” Francis said. “I also confess that I maintain a human relationship with … Read more