The Homosexual Movement’s Heretical Religion

The Homosexual Movement’s Heretical Religion

Many heresies that infiltrated the early Church stemmed from false anthropology. An erroneous notion of human nature leads to a false theology and a mistaken notion about the nature of the Creator. Several Gnostic heresies in the early centuries of the Church are typical examples. Something similar happens today with the homosexual … Read more

10 Forgotten Facts About Fatima and Why You Should Know Them

10 Forgotten Facts About Fatima and Why You Should Know Them

While many Fatima devotees know the salient aspects of Our Lady’s message and the various events surrounding the apparitions, certain details or nuances could yet be overlooked. We dare offer here several points for study and reflection in the hope they will help one better appreciate the meaning of the Fatima message: … Read more

Traditional Anti-Ultramontanists Miss the Target

Traditional Anti-Ultramontanists Miss the Target

The editor of OnePeterFive was kind enough to invite submissions regarding the origin of the excessive submissiveness of many Catholics to Pope Francis’s manifestly erroneous teachings and measures. He says such attitude stems from “a false spirit of Vatican I” and what he calls hyperüberultramontanism. This seemingly humorous expression appears to be … Read more

How Wall Street Is Building an Abortion Apartheid Regime

How Wall Street Is Building an Abortion Apartheid Regime

Two of the most sacred tenets of a liberal economy are the notions of moral neutrality and free markets. Wall Street does not get involved in personal beliefs and mores because it is bad for business. As long as the right of property and contracts are respected, the classical liberal is unconcerned … Read more

Why This Picture Stunned The World

In July 1972, newspapers around the world reported on the weeping of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima in New Orleans, Louisiana. The story first broke in The Catholic Herald, a diocesan paper, with a stunning picture of the statue in tears. Many statues and images of Our … Read more

How Saul Alinsky Took Lessons From the Mob and Influenced the Catholic Left

The following article is adapted from the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧   The history of the Catholic left in the United States was influenced by the symbiosis between the radical movement fathered by late socialist organizer Saul Alinsky and the progressive … Read more