Nancy Pelosi Gets Communion Ban: Excellent, But Is It Too Late?

Nancy Pelosi Gets Communion Ban: Excellent, But Is It Too Late?

It was quite a surprise to read about San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone barring Nancy Pelosi from Holy Communion over her fanatical support for procured abortion. Pro-life advocates are long accustomed to ecclesiastical waffling on the issue. All too often, Church officials have employed the deplorable tactic of endless dialogue, accompaniment and … Read more

A Voyage in History Through a Maria Theresa Thaler Coin

I recently attended a meeting in which someone mentioned Austria’s 1780 Maria Theresa thaler coin. The silver-dollar size piece was extremely popular and circulated all over the world. The thaler unit was also the origin of our word dollar. With so many interesting facts about the coin, I could not resist. I … Read more

As Liberalism Crashes, Where Should We Look for Solutions?

Modernity presents liberalism as the beginning of history. Before liberalism, liberals claim, there was nothing but ignorance, darkness and the gnashing of teeth. Liberalism is credited with all progress and security in the modern world. Its reign suddenly appeared like the creation of the world. Thus, as liberalism crashes and crumbles, most … Read more