This TFP Campaign Made Liberal Students Run To a Safe Space

This TFP Campaign Made Liberal Students Run To a Safe Space

Protecting children from LGBT grooming should not be a controversial topic, but the anti-innocence students at Northwestern University showed otherwise when about a dozen volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) arrived at their campus on April 4, 2024. The TFP set up its pro-children’s … Read more

How the Emergence of the Home Chapel Fills a Spiritual Void

How the Emergence of the Home Chapel Fills a Spiritual Void

What do you get for the homeowner who has everything? In today’s materialist world, the answer is to look for something new and trendy. The market is full of new gadgets and home improvements to maximize comfort and convenience. However, some large homeowners seek something beyond the material. They are building home … Read more

Why Purity Is the Queen of Virtues

Why Purity Is the Queen of Virtues

Cultivating the virtue of purity is indispensable in a genuinely Catholic home. Without it, the family enters a downward spiral that could lead to its ultimate moral and material decay. On the contrary, in homes where the angelic virtue of purity is cultivated, all the other virtues find fertile soil to flourish. … Read more

El Cid, the Lonely Crusader

El Cid, the Lonely Crusader

The Reconquest of Spain from the Muslim occupation suffered several setbacks and reversals. But in the darkest hours, a selfless hero always arose to stem an impending onslaught. Such a danger threatened the Spanish Christians late in the eleventh century when a fanatical horde of North African Berbers invaded the peninsula. An … Read more

Are We Not Witnessing the Second Deicide?

Are We Not Witnessing the Second Deicide?

Looking at the current crisis of the Faith, we can say that we are witnessing the crucifixion of the Holy Catholic Church. We are seeing a crime comparable to the deicide because the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. Killing the Church is like killing Christ. The only reason she does … Read more

Closing Remarks in My Debate With Dr. John Lamont

Closing Remarks in My Debate With Dr. John Lamont

Much of what Dr. John Lamont includes in his response to my previous replies repeats what has already been seen. Thus, I will limit myself to some brief remarks. For Dr. Lamont, the fact that bishops have a power of ordinary jurisdiction is incompatible with the fact that this power was granted … Read more

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

It was March of 1585. After three exhausting years spent traveling halfway around the world, Julian and his friends, all Japanese converts to the Catholic Faith, looked out on Rome. They were probably the first Japanese to gaze on the Eternal City, which seemed like something out of a dream. As they … Read more