Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Some traditional-minded Americans use a horrible metaphor to describe an outcome they desire for the nation. The metaphor is divorce, and the outcome is a separation of a State from the American Union. Proposing a national divorce is like demanding a figurative abortion for some unwanted social problem. Divorce and abortion are … Read more

Even at the Risk of Official Suppression, L’Univers Exposes the French Empire’s Anti-Papal Policies

Even at the Risk of Official Suppression, L’Univers Exposes the French Empire’s Anti-Papal Policies

Napoleon III’s political reversal, which supported the Italian revolutionaries, was carefully prepared in secrecy. At the same time, articles in government newspapers gradually shaped public opinion to accept that radical change. Two episodes suffice to show the Emperor’s disloyalty toward Pope Pius IX. In 1859, an anonymous book titled Emperor Napoleon III … Read more

Five Reasons You Should Reject the LA REC

Five Reasons You Should Reject the LA REC

Once again, the time has come for the annual Religious Education Congress of the Los Angeles Archdiocese (REC). As in past years, the event promises to scandalize orthodox Catholics and spread ideas that are toxic to the Faith. This is especially concerning because the event is the biggest of its kind in … Read more

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

Tucker Carlson’s two-hour interview with Vladimir Putin on February 8 sparked much controversy but clarified little. I would say the interview was well-framed by Putin’s early rebuke when he asked: “Is this a serious conversation or a talk show?” The two seemed on opposite sides. Putin gave the bubbly, cantankerous journalist a … Read more

The Tears of Don Bosco and the Hour of Truth

The Tears of Don Bosco and the Hour of Truth

Among the thousands of travelers who crowd the Termini station in Rome every day, some stop by the nearby Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Via Marsala. The church was commissioned by Pius IX, who laid the foundation stone of the new building in 1870, but due to the annexation of Rome … Read more

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Amid the worst crisis in the Church’s history, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the December 18 Declaration Fiducia Supplicans (FS), authorizing priests to bless adulterous and homosexual relationships. There followed a Clarification confirming what the declaration said. Both statements favor adulterous couples and homosexual pairs at a time … Read more