Catholics to Protest Satanic Black Mass at Kansas State Capitol

Catholics to Protest Satanic Black Mass at Kansas State Capitol
Catholics to Protest Satanic Black Mass at Kansas State Capitol


TOPEKA, Kans.—God is under attack after government officials granted approval for a Satanic Black Mass at the Kansas State Capitol Building on March 28. The public sacrilege will reportedly include the hateful desecration of a Consecrated Host, prompting outrage and plans for an on-site protest.

Over 60,000 people have signed one of the four petitions launched by the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and its various campaigns. The online protests urges Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to cancel the satanic event at the Statehouse.

Access one of the petitions here:

“The only purpose of a Black Mass is to attack God, mock the Catholic Mass, and desecrate the Holy Eucharist,” said John Horvat II, vice president of the American TFP. “Satanists typically desecrate a stolen consecrated Host in unspeakable ways. Nothing is more obscene, indecent, and hateful.”

The American TFP and its America Needs Fatima campaign are inviting Catholics to attend a rosary rally of reparation on the south side of the Kansas State Capitol on March 28, starting at 10:15 AM. A permit for the protest was issued on Wednesday.

“The purpose of the peaceful protest is simple: to express above all else our love for God and His Blessed Mother and defend the Holy Mass,” said Mr. Horvat. “America is one nation under God, and we will fight to keep it that way. The victorious Saint Michael the Archangel already defeated the powers of darkness. He can defeat Satan again at the Kansas Statehouse.”

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly said on Wednesday that the Black Mass would not take place inside the Capitol but would instead be moved outside the building. The Satanic Grotto replied saying that it would defy the law and hold its rituals inside the rotunda.

Click Here to Sign the Petition against the Satanic Black Mass at the Kansas Capitol Building!

“Total cancellation is the only reasonable option,” said Mr. Horvat. “Public officials are elected to foster the common good of society. Satanism, by definition, is evil and, therefore, harmful to the common good. That’s why the Kansas State Capitol Building and its grounds should not be misused as a platform for evil to defile what is sacred or mock what is most holy.”

John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action, whose petition against the black mass continues to gain momentum, added:

“Freedom of speech is not absolute. It has limits. Engaging in slander and libel, for example, can be punishable in court,” he said. “Since every person has a right to his or her good name, it makes sense that the sacred Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, would also be granted the respect and honor His holy Name deserves.”

“If we don’t honor our Creator or follow a higher law,” said Mr. Ritchie, “the foundation of order in society will continue to crumble. Without God, peace is not sustainable.”

Satanism is not a religion, but its antithesis. The purpose of religion is to love, imitate, and obey God, the source of all goodness and wisdom. It’s not only a contradiction but also absurd to claim that Satanism can be considered a religion. Such a ‘religion’ would promote hatred, not love, lies, not truth, and murder, not life.”

Click Here to Sign the Petition against the Satanic Black Mass at the Kansas Capitol Building!

“Satan has no rights,” said Mr. Ritchie. “Satanism never was and never will be a religion.”


For more details, contact Jon Paul Fabrizio at (407) 698-6780 or


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