China’s Growing Export of Instruments of Torture

China's Growing Export of Instruments of TortureChina makes and exports an increasing number of torture instruments for use by special police squads, including material designed to repress mass riots and violate human rights, Madrid’s daily El País reported.

According to Amnesty International and the Omega Foundation, today more Chinese companies than ever are making these instruments of terror and pain.

Many of these companies are state-owned and offer “torture tools” such as clubs with nails and weighted handcuffs or footcuffs.

China apparently has no agency to regulate and control the use and export of these perverse materials.

The report by the two institutions on the Chinese trade of instruments of torture and repression identified 134 manufacturing companies (48 of which also export), while only 28 existed ten years ago.

A growing number of Chinese companies are benefitting from trade in instruments of torture and repression and facilitating human rights violations around the world,” said researcher Patrick Wilcken in a press release on the inquiry’s results.

The report recognizes that some of the equipment can be put to legitimate use by law enforcement agencies.

However, others, such as clubs with electric discharges, deafening instruments, neck-fasteners and other instruments of sadism are intrinsically designed for human rights violations.

The development of this Chinese industrial sector is linked to “the system’s ongoing repressive tactics to maintain order.

Some materials employed by communist China such as metal chairs where you must sit in painful positions, electric discharges or irritating chemicals are specifically aimed to inflict pain. Many of these cruel inventions are still unknown abroad.

The advance of tyrannical, Islamist and crypto-communist regimes represents a sadistic, avid marked for these evil instruments.


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