Defending a Higher Law in Washington

On Friday, March 19, the TFP Washington Bureau was bustling with friends and supporters who came for a presentation on the hard-hitting book just authored by the TFP Committee on American Issues, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement. American TFP speaker John Horvat spoke to a full and lively auditorium of over 60 people.

The St. Joseph’s day talk at the Bureau in McLean, Va. was part of the American TFP’s Traditional Marriage Crusade. The book is already circulating far and wide and has received acclaim from three American bishops, numerous pro-family leaders and university professors. Several members of the clergy from the Washington area attended the meeting together with concerned Catholics from all walks of life.

The event brought TFP supporters and friends together to discuss how to confront the same-sex “marriage” offensive. Mr. Horvat began by identifying the homosexual movement as the principal opponent. He further outlined the movement’s tactics and philosophy.

“The homosexual movement is built on a foundation of misinformation, sophisms, false premises and shoddy pop science,” Mr. Horvat affirmed. “Study after study proves them wrong and they just keep repeating and repeating old concepts and platitudes in the hopes that something will stick – and unfortunately it does.”

The TFP book provides a much-needed defense against so many of the false claims and arguments of the homosexual movement. It is a true handbook for those engaged in the pro-family struggle. Mr. Horvat exhorted the audience to never miss an opportunity to speak out against the homosexual agenda and to use the book on such occasions.

Pro-family Americans can further rely on the fact that the traditional family is supported by natural law and a consistent 2000-year body of Church teachings against the practice of homosexuality. Mr. Horvat invited all to join the TFP’s Traditional Marriage Crusade.

The session ended with a lively question-and-answer session and Catholic conviviality.


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