Defending a Higher Law Published in Latvia

Cardinal Janis Pujats with the Latvian edition of Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement.
Cardinal Janis Pujats with the Latvian edition of Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement.

On May 24, feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Mr. Piotr Kucharski and Mr. Valdis Grinsteins, representatives of the Polish TFP, joined Cardinal Janis Pujats at the Chancellery Office of Riga at the official launching of a Latvian language edition of the American TFP’s hard-hitting book Defending A Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement. Written by the TFP Committee on American Issues, the newly translated book is spreading far and wide in the tiny Baltic country which ever since it joined the European Union, has been heroically resisting pressure to adopt the EU’s pro-homosexual laws.

Cardinal Pujats spoke at the launching together with other pro-family leaders. Bishops, priests and seminarians have also received copies of the book which is proving to be a veritable handbook in combating the homosexual agenda. The book is also circulating among congressmen and members of the council of Riga, the nation’s capital.

Pro-family leaders and Christian media have favorably reviewed the publication while Catholic bookstores are carrying it. Educators have also expressed interest in making the book available in schools throughout the country. The text of the entire book has been posted on the Internet at the Latvian Catholic Church´s Information Center. (This can be seen at

Cardinal Pujats at the Pro Family March on May 26.
Cardinal Pujats at the Pro Family March on May 26.

The book has been published in English, French, Polish, Spanish and Portuguese. Wherever it has circulated it has proven to be a powerful aid in their continuing fight in defense of traditional marriage. The work outlines the dangers that the homosexual agenda poses to society, refutes common myths concerning homosexuality and clearly outlines Church teaching on the sin of sodomy.

In addition, the book has been acclaimed by pro-family and Catholic leaders worldwide. It received letters of recommendation from Cardinal Jorge A. Medina and Cardinal Janis Pujats. Defending a Higher Law is also recommended by Bishops Bruskewitz, Vasa and Nienstedt as well as Archbishop Elden Francis Curtiss of Omaha, Nebr. and Archbishop Antonio Moreno Casmitjana of Ssma. Concepción, Chile.

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