The American TFP choir wearing the TFP’s ceremonial habit.
A recent book titled, No More Christian Nice Guy, outlines a prevalent error in society. The book’s author, Paul Coughlin, explains that Christianity has been divorced of masculinity to such an extent that many Christian men feel stifled and even suffocated when trying to practice the Faith.
However, this emasculated Christianity is opposed by the teachings of Christ and two thousand years of Catholic tradition. Indeed, Christ gave a supreme example of manliness when he railed against the Pharisees and again when He drove the money changers from the Temple.
Following His example, pious Catholic men throughout the centuries have brought tremendous acts of daring and bravery to battlefields and steadfastly faced innumerable situations of danger and conflict. Nothing could be more Catholic than this. That is why the Church teaches that Catholics living on earth are members of the “Church Militant.”
Echoing this spirit of manliness and combativeness, the American TFP Choir is featuring a recording of traditional Catholic choir music, sung in a masculine and forceful style. These songs were digitally recorded at the closing Mass of the 2005 National Conference of the American TFP. Feel free to listen to these ten tracks for free, or download the whole collection by clicking here.
Listening to these pieces can help revive the notions of Catholic virility and give oxygen to those struggling to be truly Catholic men.
Holy God We Praise Thy Name…2:21
Ave Maria Virgo Serena…4:08
Veni Sancte Spiritus…2:47
Agnus Dei…1:21
O Vos Omnes…2:55
Virgo Dei Genitrix…1:23
Ave Verum…2:13
Salve Regina…3:30
O Rome Eternal…3:24
To Download the entire collection, click here.