Eleventh Award for ‘Return to Order’ Proves Book More Timely Than Ever

Eleventh Award for ‘Return to Order’ Proves Book More Timely Than EverSPRING GROVE, Penn. (November 18, 2016) – How a deeply divided America can recover from a grueling election cycle is far from clear, but the book, Return to Order, contains valuable insights that can help. In fact, the book’s message is more timely than ever as can be seen by the fact that it has just won its eleventh award. The book, written by John Horvat II, vice president for The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), earned the runner-up prize in the 2016 Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Competition. It has also just passed the quarter million milestone of books in circulation.

“The news about the award was very welcome,” Horvat commented. “I think it shows how much people thirst for order in our chaotic times.”

Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go is reaching readers and decision makers nationwide. Horvat is constantly speaking to groups, talk show hosts and leaders about making the necessary connection between the economy, faith and moral values. He points out how the frenetic intemperance of today’s secular culture is tearing the nation apart. More importantly, he proposes what he calls organic solutions.

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The 2016 Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book Competition rewards those independent writers who stand out in their fields. The award is sponsored by the Shelf Media Group, publisher of Shelf Unbound indie book review magazine, which features the best of small press and self-published books. The magazine reaches 125,000 avid readers in more than 70 countries and is known for its in-depth interviews with authors ranging from unsung talents to Pulitzer Prize winners. The award attracts writers in fiction and non-fiction categories.

The award comes as over 265,000 copies of Return to Order are in circulation in print, e-book and audio formats. The over-quarter-million milestone is the product of an intense campaign to get the word out about the book. Horvat has given presentations in more than six dozen cities across the nation, including recent appearances in Las Vegas and Bismark, N.D. He has participated in more than 355 media interviews and is a frequent contributor to numerous national news outlets including American Thinker, Crisis Magazine, The Stream, Imaginative Conservative, TheBlaze and others.

“The solution to the present crisis must involve a return to an order that addresses the whole picture of what has gone wrong in America, not just pieces of the puzzle,” said Horvat in a recent commentary on the elections.Eleventh Award for ‘Return to Order’ Proves Book More Timely Than Ever

Return to Order has received dozens of endorsements from church, military and political leaders. It has ranked #1 on Amazon/Kindle in four countries.

Return to Order sets forth valuable recommendations for restoring our society to its foundations of ordered liberty and traditional values,” says the Honorable Edwin Meese III, former Attorney General of the United States.

For more information about Return to Order, visit the web site at www.returntoorder.org. Schedule an interview, talk or book event with John Horvat, by calling 717-309-7147 or e-mailing him at jh1908@aol.com.
