Encouragement from the Pope’s Secretary

Encouragement from the Pope’s Secretary
Encouragement from the Pope’s Secretary

In the ongoing efforts to promote traditional Catholic marriage, the American TFP received a welcome note of encouragement from Bishop Stanislaw Dziwisz, personal secretary to John Paul II.

In the letter dated April 7, the bishop responds to a letter from the TFP Vice President Thomas J. McKenna, who sent him the book, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement and other materials. Besides acknowledging and thanking Mr. McKenna for the materials, Bishop Dziwisz concluded by calling upon Our Lady of Perpetual Help’s protection and guidance.

The letter’s full text follows:


Encouragement from the Pope’s Secretary Bishop Stanislaw Dziwisz


From the Vatican, 7 April 2004

Dear Mr. Thomas McKenna,

I acknowledge your kind letter of March 19, 2004, and thank you for the packet of information enclosed.

We pray for the stated difficult issue including and especially those who struggle with it on all levels. May our loving God grant you the graces that you need in your life and may His Mother of Perpetual Help guide and protect you as you walk the journey of life.

May you and those you love have a Blessed Easter.

Sincerely in Christ Risen,

+ Stanislaw Dziwisz


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