Fighting Abortion Lies At Yale Is A Good Challenge

Fighting Abortion Lies At Yale Is A Good Challenge
Fighting Abortion Lies At Yale Is A Good Challenge

On Friday, October 27, I joined seventeen TFP Student Action volunteers at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, where we took a stand against the sin of abortion and challenged the lies espoused by the Culture of Death.

Earlier in the week, our team had been to Harvard and Brown University, so we all felt up to the task and ready to defend the unborn. The campaign began at Beinecke Plaza on Grove Street with a short prayer followed by the trademark TFP battle cry: “Tradition, Family, Property: America!”

The sound of bagpipes and drums and the sight of eye-catching pro-life banners sparked the curiosity of many Yalies who paused to pick up 10 Reasons to Protect the Unborn on their way to class.

The first thing that struck me at Yale was its stunning and majestic neo-gothic architecture. You had the impression that you might meet Saint Thomas More at any corner or under the grand medieval archways.

Challenging Abortion Fallacies

Foot traffic was especially heavy between classes. Due to the large number of students, we gave out countless flyers. But as expected, pro-abortion advocates were vocal and vulgar. One individual “tolerantly” said, “go to hell.”

Eternal and Natural Law: The Foundation of Morals and Law

Another feminist stammered, “I should throw something at them [TFP volunteers].” When questioned she said, “Never mind,” and expressed support for abortion on demand as well as euthanasia. “I am pro-assisted death,” she said.

Fighting Abortion Lies At Yale Is A Good Challenge
“You had the impression that you might meet Saint Thomas More at any corner or under the grand medieval archways.”

In one debate, a pro-abortion woman admitted she was fine with murder:

Feminist: “Why do you want to control women’s bodies?”

TFP volunteer: “We defend the universal right to life of all innocent people, which includes the bodies of unborn female babies.”

Feminist: “What about my body? What if I don’t want the child?”

TFP volunteer: “If someone makes your life harder or more uncomfortable, does that give you the right to kill him or her?”

Feminist: “Yes!”

Such selfish sentiments are common among pro-abortion advocates.

Fighting Abortion Lies At Yale Is A Good Challenge

Near the conclusion of the campaign, a woman on the other side of the street read the TFP banner, “Pray and Act to End the Sin of Abortion,” and completely lost her mind, screaming at the top of her lungs like someone possessed by a demon. Her shrieks were loud but unintelligible.

TFP volunteer Gregory Jones, 18, experienced what it means to be “welcomed” at a liberal campus: A pro-abortion feminist soaked him with her drink.

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“When I first saw you,” one student said, “I thought it might be a liberal protest, but then I saw what you were doing and I was super happy.”

Several Yale students were familiar with TFP Student Action’s work and others asked to join the peaceful crusade for moral values.

“There are more conservative students at Yale than you think,” said one student. “There are about thirty to forty students who are dedicated members of the pro-life group on campus. Thank you! This is very encouraging for us.”

Another student said enthusiastically, “I started watching TFP videos in high school, and I’m so happy to finally meet you in person.”

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The polarization of society is palpable. As the Left gets more radical and unreasonable, those with common sense are inspired to take a stand.

Fighting Abortion Lies At Yale Is A Good Challenge

May God inspire more brave souls to fight for the unborn and the future of our beloved nation.


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