Rural Areas and Small Towns are not Exempt from the Left’s Gender Identity Deceptions

Rural Areas and Small Towns are not Exempt from the Left’s Gender Identity Deceptions

The dangers of the modern enthusiasm for the Transgender Revolution are nothing new. Nor is its effect upon educational systems nationwide. Many public school systems deliberately conceal essential information about students’ “gender identities” from their parents. A Common Misunderstanding However, many people believe that this condition exists primarily in liberal-dominated “blue states” … Read more

Pope Francis and the “Global Conflict” in 2024

Pope Francis and the “Global Conflict” in 2024

What is the state of the world in this opening of 2024? Pope Francis outlined a broad picture in his Jan. 8 address to ambassadors to the Holy See, gathered for the traditional New Year’s audience. There is a first point that deserves to be emphasized. Pope Francis does not habitually quote … Read more

Enthusiasm for Electric Vehicles Is Running on Empty

Enthusiasm for Electric Vehicles Is Running on Empty

If you were naïve enough to believe the dominant media and the extreme environmentalists, you might think that folks are ready to ditch their gas-guzzling cars to buy electric vehicles (EVs). Some inconvenient facts, however, demonstrate otherwise. One fact is public fatigue over the constant drumbeat of climate alarmists. There seems to … Read more