Can Halloween Be Christianized Again?

Can Halloween Be Christianized Again?

As Halloween approaches, the debate over whether Catholics should join in the celebrations has reignited. Many claim it is a harmless holiday for children that Catholics may freely participate in. Others affirm that it has now descended into dark regions with the return of pagan and Satanic imagery; it should thus be … Read more

Faithful Catholics Oppose “Rainbow” Priest in Atlanta

Faithful Catholics Oppose “Rainbow” Priest in Atlanta - Fr. James Martin, S.J.

If any man be on the Lord’s side, let him join with me (Exodus 32:26). The Biblical cry resonates with those who protest against the evils of these times and ask fellow Americans to join them. Thus, faithful Catholics gathered on October 20 and 21 to protest against the talks of Fr. James … Read more

When Non-Negotiable Values Are Neglected

When Non-Negotiable Values Are Neglected

In the first chapter of his important new book, Pope Francis’s “Paradigm Shift”: Continuity or Rupture in the Mission of the Church?, José Antonio Ureta points out the lack of certainty about the Pope’s interpretation of Church teachings, using Francis’s own words. ✧                    †                    ✧ On the first anniversary of his accession to the … Read more

A Great Incompatibility Has Descended Upon the Nation

A Great Incompatibility Has Descended Upon the Nation

When we say Americans are divided and polarized, it can conjure up the image of cloth stretched to the point of ripping. However, this image does not represent everything we are experiencing as a society. Indeed, the social fabric is already torn. The united America we once knew no longer exists. Instead, … Read more

Why Apple Is Shaking in Its Boots

Why Apple Is Shaking in Its Boots

I have always believed that Apple fears no one. Valued at over one trillion dollars, the maker of iPhones and iPads can do whatever it wants when marketing its products. It can count on the loyalty of tens of millions of passionate customers that make it immune to market fluctuations. Apple is … Read more

When Misery Has Too Much Company

When Misery Has Too Much Company

Misery has a lot of company these days. Perhaps too much. The number of those unhappy, stressed, or lonely has reached its highest point on record. America is not alone in its misery. However, it is hardly consoling that the whole world keeps it company. This climate of discontent is the consistent … Read more