Why Apps Cannot Replace Temperance in Preventing Suicide

Why Apps Cannot Replace Temperance in Preventing Suicide

In a fast-paced world, everyone wants everything instantly and effortlessly. This desire is part of a culture in which happiness and pleasure are expected yet not always delivered. When people inevitably fail to obtain all that they want, they suffer from stress and depression. No one should be surprised that they then … Read more

A Vibrant March for Life…In Tokyo!

A Vibrant March for Life…In Tokyo! 1

On a sweltering day in July, hundreds of people took to the streets of Tokyo to stand against the culture of death. The majority of the 300 marchers were Japanese, however the international pro-life community was well represented. The fifth annual Tokyo March for Life hosted marchers from more than a dozen … Read more

The Mouse That Roared and Defeated Walmart

The Mouse That Roared and Defeated Walmart 1

Everyone is taught to believe that gigantic retailers are the most efficient distributors of goods to the general public. Small stores may be able to fill tiny niches. They may be quaint and picturesque. However, only the gigantic retailers have the capital and economy of scale to offer everyday lower prices and … Read more

The Defeat of Roe v. Wade: the Beginning, Not the End

The Defeat of Roe v. Wade: the Beginning, Not the End

With the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice, everyone is talking about overturning Roe v. Wade. A solid conservative majority could pave the way to putting the unpopular decision out of its misery. The funny thing about controversy is that it is not really about Roe v. Wade. Everyone on both … Read more

Why Not Make Roe v. Wade a Litmus Test?

Why Not Make Roe v. Wade a Litmus Test?

With the choice of Brett Kavanaugh as candidate for Supreme Court Justice, the confirmation hearings will soon begin with a now familiar ritual of evading Roe v. Wade. Liberals will ask the nominee to define himself on the infamous 1973 decision that liberalized abortion. He will find ways of evading the question … Read more

What the Coming Uncivil War Is Really About

What the Coming Uncivil War Is Really About

There is talk of a new American civil war. Indeed, the vitriol of opposing parties is reaching levels heretofore unseen. It is especially vicious now over the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. There is nothing civil about this coming war. For now, it is still a culture battle, but it might be … Read more

Three Things America Needs From the New Supreme Court Justice

Three Things America Needs From the New Supreme Court Justice

Justice Anthony Kennedy has just announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Everyone is talking about who will be his replacement. Much is at stake. For the liberals, it could spell the end to the precarious situation in which Kennedy’s swing vote has brought them many major victories and some small defeats. … Read more

Why Is Prosperity No Longer Good for Babies?

Why Is Prosperity No Longer Good for Babies?

When times are good, families generally have more babies. This is the trend in modern times. Good times generate more good times. The fertility rate of women of all ages goes up. Demand increases and nations enjoy increased prosperity. However, today the scenario is dismally different. The economy is booming as never … Read more