New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope - John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’

      For Immediate Release Contact: John Horvat Return to Order Phone: 717-309-7147 E-mail: [email protected] Photos available upon request New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’ YORK, Penn. (June 5, 2018) An exciting new book addressing the restoration of America’s moral … Read more

‘The Suicide of the West:’ A Tale of Two Miracles

‘The Suicide of the West:’ A Tale of Two Miracles 2

“There is no God in this book.” Thus reads the provocative first sentence of Jonah Goldberg’s latest release, The Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy. This declaration is perhaps an unintended summary of the book about the crisis in the … Read more

The Return of the Druids in Ireland

The Return of the Druids in Ireland 1

The abortion referendum in Ireland is over, and many are devastated by the tragic outcome. Some now conclude that Ireland has surrendered to the secular European agenda. It has lost its Catholic identity. The progressives are now giddy with joy proclaiming a new modern Ireland that has left behind the old. However, … Read more

Why the Proper Observance of Memorial Day is Waning

Why the Proper Observance of Memorial Day is Waning

Memorial Day is here, and many see it as little more than the unofficial beginning of summer. The holiday was once marked by religious services, parades, and speeches nationwide. Now, however, some people do not even know what we are supposed to be remembering. That is why its proper observance is waning. … Read more

Pope Francis: A Paradigm Shift in the Church’s Position on Homosexual Sin?

Pope Francis: A Paradigm Shift in the Church’s Position on Homosexual Sin? 1

The Holy See’s Shocking Silence as Scandalous Statement Attributed to Pope Francis Everyone still remembers the statement by Pietro Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, in January of this year that the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia represents “a paradigm shift,” a “new approach” to “remarried” divorcees and the Holy Eucharist. This … Read more

Message to Graduates in 2018: Graduate

Message to Graduates in 2018: Graduate

It is that time of the year again when students graduate from their high schools and colleges. The graduation ceremony is a rite of passage that is so much a part of our tradition. Commencement speakers call upon graduates to dream, hope and plan for the future. While such words may seem … Read more

Why Is Socialism Still Popular?

Why Is Socialism Still Popular? 2

If ever there was a set of ideas that has been tried and found lacking, it is socialism. It has been tried on every continent. It has been tried in weak nations and strong. It has been tried in primitive countries and those which are highly developed. The most striking thing about … Read more

The Plight of “Modernists Without Faith”

The Plight of “Modernists Without Faith”

The liberal order that has long sustained modernity is crumbling. It is no secret. Society is coming apart and fragmenting. People are concerned about the future. At the same time, postmodernity and its politically correct culture is becoming ever more intolerant and tyrannical. In the face of such attacks, many scholars are … Read more

Why the Met Exhibit Must Be Denounced and Opposed

Why the Met Exhibit Must Be Denounced and Opposed

Something is sacred when it separates that which belongs to God alone from the rest of the world. The sacred speaks of heavenly things and leaves below earthly concerns. The sacred is outside of time and place. It contains the mystery of all things infinite and ineffable. Indeed, the very word sacred … Read more