I Protested Blasphemy at the Metropolitan Gala Event

I Protested Blasphemy at the Metropolitan Gala Event 1

On May 7, America Needs Fatima director Robert Ritchie and I were discussing the blasphemous nature of the “Heavenly Bodies” exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We also discussed how horrible the Met Gala opening night promised to be. We were horrified that sacred vestments on loan from the Vatican, some … Read more

Imagining a New ‘Death Machine’ to Commit Suicide

Imagining a New ‘Death Machine’ to Commit Suicide

It was only a matter of time before someone would imagine something like this. It’s called “the Sarco,” a capsule designed by Dutch engineer Alex Bannink and activist Philip Nitschke. One model is described as a 3D-printable “death machine” that can be printed out anywhere and activated to induce death when the … Read more

The Touching Encouragement of an Archbishop

The Touching Encouragement of an Archbishop

There are many ways, big and small, to fight against today’s anti-Christian culture. There are public displays of Faith that are impressive in their scope and organization. This can be seen every year at the National March for Life as well as similar marches in states and cities all across America. There … Read more

12 Rules for Life: A Book I Wanted to Like

12 Rules for Life: A Book I Wanted to Like

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is a book I wanted to like. I wanted so much to favor someone who proposes rules in our times of unrestraint. I see so clearly the need for an antidote to chaos. The fact that his book is on the top … Read more

How Jordan Peterson Can Lead to Freud and Darwin, not God

How Jordan Peterson Can Lead to Freud and Darwin, not God

Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is not an ordinary book. You like the fact that it attacks the prevailing politically-correct society and challenges people to take responsibility for their actions. There is merit in proposing such goals. You also like the idea of rules because everyone knows … Read more

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

Freud, His Doctrine and Errors

This article was written on October 1, 1939 on the occasion of the death of Sigmund Freud. The death of Freud (1856 – September 23, 1939) in England once again shed light on his personality and doctrine. Acclaimed with an aura of wisdom, his doctrine is as little known as the points … Read more

Blasphemous Professor Protested at Jesuit-run Catholic College

Blasphemous Professor Protested at Jesuit-run Catholic College 1

On April 7, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) organized and prayed a rosary of reparation outside the gates of the Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. They were protesting the recently revealed writings of Prof. Tat-Siong Benny Liew, head of the college’s … Read more