The Apples-and-Oranges Debate over Tariffs

The Apples-and-Oranges Debate over Tariffs 1

As I watch the debate over tariffs, I can’t help but feel the two sides are not speaking the same language. They are talking apples and oranges. One side is concerned only about money while the other side deals with social impact. I don’t think this apples-and-oranges debate can be reduced to … Read more

Record-Breaking: 100,000 Rally for Life in Ireland

Record-Breaking: 100,000 Rally for Life in Ireland 1

On March 10, the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, joined over a hundred thousand pro-lifers who flooded the streets of Dublin, in the All Ireland Rally for Life. The record-breaking rally was especially timely in light of attempts to repeal the Eighth Amendment in the Irish Constitution that recognizes both the mother … Read more

Looking at South Africa’s “Zexit” Moment

Looking at South Africa’s “Zexit” Moment

South African wit is sometimes at its best during tragedies or when dark clouds abound, so it was that the wits had a field day during Jacob Zuma’s tenure and long-sought exit from the South African Presidency on February 14. Playing on the Portuguese Marxist revolutionary slogan “A luta continua” (The struggle continues), … Read more

When Will the Shooting Stop?

When Will the Shooting Stop?

The gun control debate has reignited with the recent Florida shooting. Despite the passionate commentaries on all sides, no one seems to be able to answer the question of when the shootings will stop. As much as liberal media want to blame guns, police or government, this is a moral problem. It … Read more

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Who Will Banish the Madmen in Education?

Young people get blamed for a lot of things. They’re called snowflakes for withering and melting at the least criticism or politically incorrect commentary. They are deemed irresponsible and accused of merely “adulting” when they manage to handle the life decisions typical of adults. And now the Department of Education’s latest financial … Read more

How John Dewey Destroyed the Souls of Our Children

How John Dewey Destroyed the Souls of Our Children

The story of American public education begins with Horace Mann. It was Mann who popularized the idea that American schools should teach all students, be non-sectarian, and tax-supported. A little less than a half-century passed between Mann’s death and the advent of John Dewey. That half-century may well be the most dynamic … Read more

How Evolution Means the Death of the Soul

How Evolution Means the Death of the Soul

Evolutionists rarely proclaim their incompatibility with Christianity so as not to alarm Christians. They will generally try to present evolution as a purely scientific theory that seeks to explain the origins of the universe. If religious people have a problem, it is their narrow vision that is to blame, not the theory … Read more

The History of a Tomorrow Without God

The History of a Tomorrow Without God

The bestselling book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, is dangerous for Catholics of little faith. Rarely do you see a book that is so cunningly written to shake certainties and present as inevitable a stark and Godless future now being planned. The value of the book is not found in … Read more

Nancy Pelosi’s Rosary

Nancy Pelosi’s Rosary

Rarely does a conservative Catholic find occasion to agree with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. On most moral and political issues, she can be found supporting all things liberal. But Congress is a strange place these days. One never knows what to expect. In these times when everything is politicized, the theatrical … Read more