Father Martin’s Double Standard

Father Martin’s Double Standard

  Father Martin’s Double Standard “The Rev. James Martin is a Roman Catholic rock star.” That is how his admirer Frank Bruni described him, in a February 3, 2018 Op-Ed in The New York Times. He continued: His books, including one on Jesus Christ and another on the saints, have sold hundreds … Read more

Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Hasten to Help China!

Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Hasten to Help China!

“Every one of us has a Prompt Succor story!” So began a sermon on the Feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, commemorating 203 years since she saved America at the Battle of New Orleans. The National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor in uptown New Orleans hosted the yearly anniversary … Read more

Three Ways to Stop the DACA Nightmare

Three Ways to Stop the DACA Nightmare

The “dreamer” debate is raging as the nation contemplates what to do with the 800,000 young people who came to America illegally as children alone or with parents or relatives. Of course, this debate was foreseen. The Obama administration broke the immigration rules with its Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, … Read more

How Judges Become Tyrants

How Judges Become Tyrants

Among the three branches of American government, there is supposed to be a system of checks and balances to curb any abuse of power. That is at least the theory. In practice, the judicial branch is now engaged in a campaign of checks without balances or precedent. Judges are becoming tyrants without … Read more

Possible Closing of Playboy: Welcome but Tragic News

Possible Closing of Playboy: Welcome but Tragic News

At first, it seemed to be good news. It appears that, with the death of Hugh Hefner, Playboy magazine might soon be discontinued. For those who strive to practice virtue, the news can only be a welcome development. The magazine has been the ruin of many men young and old over the … Read more

Outspoken Professor Ousted for Pro-life Views Speaks at TFP Event

Outspoken Professor Ousted for Pro-life Views Speaks at TFP Event

The Bitter Fruits of the Sexual Revolution by Prof. Stéphane Mercier, PhD Outspoken Belgian Prof. Stephane Mercier addressed a full house of friends and supporters at the Tradition, Family Property Washington Bureau on January 20 in McLean, Virginia. His talk, “The Bitter Fruits of the Sexual Revolution,” was attended by many who … Read more

The Opioid Crisis: A Spiritual Solution

The Opioid Crisis: A Spiritual Solution

An opioid crisis is devastating America. Every day, more than ninety Americans die by overdosing on these new killers. The crisis involves the misuse of and addiction to opioids such as prescription pain relievers, fentanyl and heroin. New powerful synthetic opioids have become especially deadly. Too many people mistakenly reduce the problem … Read more

Teaching Children Not to Come in From the Cold

Teaching Children Not to Come in From the Cold 1

At a recent holiday gathering, I was with some adults inside the house while the children were outside playing some team sport. It was bitterly cold but that did not seem to diminished the noisy activities outside in the snow. As I was conversing with someone else, we both noticed a little … Read more