The Rage of the New Puritans Is Sweeping America

The Rage of the New Puritans Is Sweeping America

The announcement that the “Silence Breakers” have been named “Person of the Year” by TIME magazine has catapulted the sexual harassment scandals into the national spotlight. Sexual assault in the workplace has taken on crisis proportions. Many are saying that men and women will soon revert to minimizing contact among themselves. They … Read more

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The rash of sexual harassment scandals is sweeping the nation to the point that it seems almost no male is exempt from its terrible fury. Anyone can be denounced by the media. Liberals point to “toxic masculinity” and social structures that must be overthrown. Feminists blame the remnants of patriarchy that manage … Read more

Can America’s Schools Be Saved? An Insider Weighs In

Can America’s Schools Be Saved? An Insider Weighs In 1

The American education system has long been in crisis. It seems every administration seeks to reform the system, but it usually ends up making matters worse. The book, Can America’s Schools Be Saved? How the Ideology of American Education Is Destroying It, helps explain what has gone wrong. Author Edwin Benson has … Read more

Victory! Satan Kicked Out of Boca Raton

Victory! Satan Kicked Out of Boca Raton 1

Over 200 faithful Catholics in Florida converged on Boca Raton’s Sanborn Park Square on December 1 to protest a satanic “Christmas” display next to a Catholic Nativity scene. They soon learned to their joy that the display would not be appearing this year as it has for the past two years. Sponsored … Read more

Why Ladies and Gentlemen Are Forbidden on New York Trains

Why Ladies and Gentlemen Are Forbidden on New York Trains

Passengers, customers or whatever you want to call them are welcome to ride in the New York City transport system. Just don’t call them ladies or gentlemen. The city’s Metropolitan Transit Authority has outlawed the expression in yet another bizarre episode of the politically correct Culture War. “Ladies and gentlemen” is not … Read more

Five Things to Thank God for on Thanksgiving

Five Things to Thank God for on Thanksgiving 1

Thanksgiving has become a secular holiday. It is a time for family get-togethers, sports events and shopping trips. There is some, but not enough giving of thanks on Thanksgiving. Moreover, when gratitude is felt, it frequently remains just a feeling that is not directed toward a good and personal God. Then too, … Read more

Four Ways to Defy the Culture on Black Friday

Four Ways to Defy the Culture on Black Friday

Anyone can stand in a line for hours on end and burst into Walmart trampling people underfoot on Black Friday. The scene has become so ordinary and scripted that most people don’t even notice anymore. Shoppers fighting over Barbie dolls are as predictable as hockey match brawls. The reports from news crews … Read more

The Macabre Dance of the Skeletons Out of the Closet

The Macabre Dance of the Skeletons Out of the Closet

There is a certain point when a normal house becomes haunted. It is hard to say exactly when the change occurs, but when it does, things become strange and eerie. From the outside, the house seems to lose its air of respectability, and people sense something foreboding inside. They hear creaking noises. … Read more