Looking at Laudato Si’ in Theory and Practice

Looking at Laudato Si’ in Theory and Practice

Ronald Reagan once said that an economist is someone who sees something happen in practice and wonders if it could work in theory. The new book, Pope Francis and the Caring Society, appears like a team of economists forced to study the encyclical Laudato Si’ in theory and then wonder if it … Read more

The ‘Weinsteinization’ of Everything Rotten

The ‘Weinsteinization’ of Everything Rotten 1

The spectacular fall of Harvey Weinstein represents more than just the rejection of the appalling behavior of a Hollywood mogul. Rather, it is the unsurprising confirmation that Hollywood is rotten. The behavior of Hollywood producers and actors merely reflects the movies with their violence, immorality, and profanity. As the Weinstein case broadens … Read more

2017 TFP National Conference: Who Confides Wins

2017 TFP National Conference: Who Confides Wins 1

During the last weekend of October, the American TFP held its National Conference for supporters at its main headquarters in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. Over 200 friends and supporters of the TFP traveled from all over the country, and even from neighboring Canada, to attend the much anticipated three-day event. The theme of … Read more

How to Awaken Longings for Christian Order

How to Awaken Longings for Christian Order

One thing that can be done to return to order is to awaken longings for Christian order in society. These longings can then bring about a change much like that of the prodigal son who then returned to his father’s house. A way we can awaken these longings is by introducing supreme … Read more

Why Banning Best Friends at School Is Insane and Cruel

Why Banning Best Friends at School Is Insane and Cruel

Just when it appears modern educators have reached the limit of their bizarre doctrines, they always seem to find something new. The latest trend is banning best friends at school. Even these most personal relationships must be controlled. It was bad enough when enlightened educators turned childhood relationships upside down with their … Read more

How America Became the ‘Pressure Cooker’ Nation

How America Became the ‘Pressure Cooker’ Nation

If there is an image that represents the present state of the nation, it might be a pressure cooker. Such cooking devices are not much used in these microwave days of instant everything. The hermetically sealed appliance uses steam pressure to penetrate foods and cook them quickly with a lower loss of … Read more

This is the “Girlification” of the Boy Scouts

This is the “Girlification” of the Boy Scouts

Nobody is really fooled by the latest policy shift of the Boy Scouts of America that will allow membership of girls. The announcement was packaged as a way to provide “more options for parents” who want a single site providing activities for all their children. However, everyone knows the move is just … Read more

Nightmare of Nudity Honored on National Mall

Nightmare of Nudity Honored on National Mall

As statues of historic figures are being defaced and removed, it was only a matter of time before we could expect the same politically-correct tyranny to impose its own statues upon the public. That time has come. While anticipated, no one could imagine something so indecent as what is being proposed for … Read more

Everywhere Is Now a Potential Las Vegas

Everywhere Is Now a Potential Las Vegas

The events in Las Vegas have shocked the nation. The lone gunman that fired from the thirty-second floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip violated yet one more public place that was once considered safe. From on high, he let loose a barrage of bullets that … Read more

What Does Sir Walter Scott Say About Love of Country?

What Does Sir Walter Scott Say About Love of Country?

There is part of a poem by Sir Walter Scott often titled “My Native Land.” Back when poetry was appreciated and even memorized, its first lines were well known. It went: Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, ‘This is my own, my native land!’ … Read more