NFL Boycott Will Continue Until Anthem Is ‘Properly Honored Again’

NFL Boycott Will Continue Until Anthem Is ‘Properly Honored Again’

News Release: NFL Boycott Will Continue Until Anthem Is ‘Properly Honored Again’ HANOVER, Penn., Sept. 27, 2017 — Fans in the bleachers are irked by the politicization of football. In fact, Americans are pledging to boycott the National Football League (NFL) in large numbers, as long as its athletes continue to disrespect our … Read more

Dishonor Is Behind the Failure to Repeal Obamacare

Dishonor Is Behind the Failure to Repeal Obamacare

The failure of the Graham-Cassidy attempt to repeal ObamaCare is symptomatic of a deeply unhealthy political system. The ObamaCare repeal was a signature issue of the 2016 campaign. Everyone from the president on down stumped on it. The Republican-controlled Congress itself voted for repeal many times over the years, only to be … Read more

Why Everything Is Being Politicized

Why Everything Is Being Politicized

There is a new phase in the old Culture War. It has been long coming. The violence at Charlottesville might well be the opening volley. For decades, the two sides have been slogging it out by debating the moral issues eroded by the sexual revolution of the sixties. Neither side has won. … Read more

Raising a Monument to the Mediocre Man

Raising a Monument to the Mediocre Man

As the violent statue war now rages, a nervous man scornfully watches from a distance. He doesn’t understand what the uproar is all about. After all, the bronze figures vanishing in the night represent characters that are long dead. He wishes the whole affair would likewise go away in the darkness. The … Read more

‘C-Ville’: Statue Toppling and the End of History

‘C-Ville’: Statue Toppling and the End of History

Everyone is familiar with the tragedy at C-ville in Virginia. Protesters against the removal of statues of Confederate figures clashed with counter-protesters — resulting in one death. The media have turned the event into a watershed for change. Indeed, the tragedy at C-ville has been a catalyst for many cities to remove … Read more

No Time Out in Battle Over Football

No Time Out in Battle Over Football 1

For generations, football was the most unpolitical and un-ideological of pastimes in America. Indeed, it was a point of unity that overcame political differences and fostered healthy local rivalries. Not liking football was almost un-American. Now times are changing in our nation. Nothing can be left untouched by the liberal keepers of … Read more

The Clash of the Hurricane Movements

The Clash of the Hurricane Movements

  What is needed in American today are not “hurricane men,” but calm representative figures spread throughout society, who by their example and integrity can lead a nation through the storm and accomplish great things…   We have reached a point in our nation’s history where the debate is becoming ever more … Read more

The Great Liberal Experiment Is Dying

The Great Liberal Experiment Is Dying

Conservatives are frustrated by the present state of affairs. The politicians we have brought to power time and time again cannot get things done. Gridlock reigns in the halls of Congress, and it is not going away anytime soon. There is plenty of blame to spread around. Blame the political establishment that … Read more

The Growing Tyranny of the Culture-killers

The Growing Tyranny of the Culture-killers 1

The controversy around Confederate statue removal rages. Revisionists are on the rampage with all the fury of communist mobs that want no memory of a past culture to remain. They are involved in a cultural cleansing of heroes, legends, and symbols that threatens to fragment yet more a divided nation. The wrath … Read more

Charlottesville: A Clash of False Alternatives

Charlottesville: A Clash of False Alternatives

The events in Charlottesville have shaken the nation, and many have rightly condemned the violence at the August 12 protest that resulted in one tragic death and many wounded. Some were hesitant to make a sweeping condemnation pointing to the violence of the counter-protesters as a factor that must also be considered. … Read more