Living in the Shallows: The Decline of Thought

Living in the Shallows: The Decline of Thought

As I look upon the desolate landscape of sound bites, tweets and other social media, I cannot help but lament what has happened to our culture. Almost all Americans have a high school education. And today more people than ever have college degrees. One would expect reading levels to be increasing. Real … Read more

How Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Changed My Worldview Forever

How Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Changed My Worldview Forever 1

  Representative characters are those who touched our lives and have a lasting influence upon us. Most people can remember someone in their own lives who served as mentor, guide and director. These figures are important because they inspire and push the person to develop fully inside the context of society. They … Read more

Catholic Boys Prove How Chivalry Is Not Dead

Catholic Boys Prove How Chivalry Is Not Dead 1

""""[vc_column_text]The American TFP has organized camps for young men over the last forty years. These educational programs, called “Call to Chivalry Camps” attract boys from ages 12 to 18 and seek to instill in them the same spirit of Catholic heroism and sanctity of ages past. To this end, each camp examines … Read more

Why Medieval Antibiotics Offer Effective Medical Solutions

Why Medieval Antibiotics Offer Effective Medical Solutions 1

It all began as one of those Friday afternoon projects that medical researchers sometimes do to satisfy curiosity. No one expected it to work. The researchers were testing medieval medical remedies by replicating a 1000-year-old recipe for an eye salve. They were prepared to see it prove that medieval medicine was backward … Read more

Where Are America’s Habits of the Heart?

Where Are America’s Habits of the Heart?

The present state of chaos is puzzling, especially for conservatives. Everything would seem to be in place for success. So much favors the conservative cause. Conservatives have plenty of political power since the powers of government are in their hands. The victory in November went beyond Washington and extended to all levels … Read more

The Desperation Tactics of Planned Parenthood

The Desperation Tactics of Planned Parenthood 1

As the ongoing debate to defund Planned Parenthood heated up once again, a friend of mine received an e-mail from the giant abortion provider. He was informed that there was nothing more important he could do that day than call his senator to support Planned Parenthood. He was directed to a link … Read more

Should We Celebrate the iPhone’s Tenth Anniversary?

Should We Celebrate the iPhone’s Tenth Anniversary?

This summer the world commemorates the tenth anniversary of Apple’s release of the first iPhone. That event changed the way people communicate. As a result, most Americans today own some kind of smartphone, which has become part of daily life. However, some might ask if it is the case to celebrate this … Read more

A Call to Protest the Growing Threat from Satanism

A Call to Protest the Growing Threat from Satanism

A Satanic offensive is taking place in America. It can be seen not only in large cities and liberal strongholds, but in small communities like Belle Plaine, Minnesota. This city served as the stage for a highly symbolic sequence of event. In April, officials there approved plans for a Satanic monument to … Read more

Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life?

Why Can’t Americans Enjoy Life? 1

Modern American society promises to make life so much easier. No longer do most people have to labor long and hard to make ends meet. Americans should have plenty of time to enjoy their leisure. But many don’t take this time. They have a problem with leisure. According to a report commissioned by Project: Time … Read more