Selfies and Divorce in the Digital Age

Selfies and Divorce in the Digital Age

Divorce is one of the ugliest words in the English language. Its specter haunts countless marriages. For the divorced couple, it is often a constant source of stress and financial strain. It marks affected children the rest of their lives. Divorce was not frequent in times past. In fact, the stigma of … Read more

How We Went From 17,000 to 15 Main Varieties of Apples

How We Went From 17,000 to 15 Main Varieties of Apples

One of the benefits of modern mass markets is supposed to be the proliferation of choices. The modern consumer can choose from so many things available on a variety of platforms, be it off or online. This ability to select from plenty is considered one of the marvels of modern economy. However, … Read more

Perpetual Adolescence: When Coming of Age Doesn’t Come

Perpetual Adolescence: When Coming of Age Doesn’t Come 1

Parents have always complained about the children. These complaints usually stop when their children grow up and assume responsibilities. Something has changed with this generation. Many youth are neither growing up nor assuming responsibility. America is facing a coming-of-age crisis that leaves young people ill-equipped to survive in a highly unstable world. … Read more

The Father Figure As He Should Be

The Father Figure As He Should Be

The figure of the father is under attack these days. To those who insist upon total equality, he is seen as an overbearing figure who has long abused his power. Like all symbols of authority, he must be overthrown. It is curious that whenever feminists wish to attack the father, somewhere in … Read more

Co-living: The Updated Hippie Commune

Co-living: The Updated Hippie Commune

When one thinks of a commune, the imagery of tie-dyed t-shirts, oversized sunglasses, sandals, primitive living conditions and marijuana come to mind. Recently there has been a surge in companies that provide all the necessities and amenities needed for a twenty-first century updated hippie commune. They are called co-living companies. These new … Read more

Is It Immodest to Wear Deliberately Ripped Clothes?

Is It Immodest to Wear Deliberately Ripped Clothes?

Perhaps one of the more sensitive personal issues you can raise with people is that of dress. How you dress has become a purely personal affair. Most are left to their own opinion as to what is appropriate. There are, of course, some limits. Most Catholics will admit in theory that there … Read more

How to Conquer the Fear of Missing Out

How to Conquer the Fear of Missing Out

Everyone has seen it happen. Suddenly, in the middle of a conversation at an event, a person feels compelled to answer an “urgent” message, frequently without bothering to offer any explanation. This compulsive behavior is triggered by the fear of missing out on some social interaction which the person judges critical. Courtesy … Read more