Opting Out of the Benedict Option

Opting Out of the Benedict Option 1

No one disputes the attractiveness of living outside the liberal and politically correct society that dominates American life. To the degree possible, there is even an obligation to keep some separation from today’s decadent society. Hence, all this explains the controversy around the so-called Benedict Option. The Benedict Option is the brainchild … Read more

Cultural Renewal Requires Dreamers and Visionaries

Cultural Renewal Requires Dreamers and Visionaries 2

One can tell the state of the society by its dreamers. When a society is comfortably decadent, few dare to imagine a world beyond the surrounding material comforts. In such a society, most people are content with the mediocrity of a superficial world in which those who dream are stifled and silenced. … Read more

Three Reasons to Do an Internet Detox

Three Reasons to Do an Internet Detox 1

On January 1, 2017, I made a New Year’s resolution to make my Sundays Internet free. This involved not going online Sundays for any reason, whether it be for e-mail, updates or inquiries. I did this because I realized just how much leisure time I was wasting on the Internet. I wanted … Read more

Why It’s Time for an About-Face on Facebook

Why It’s Time for an About-Face on Facebook 1

A verdict has just been passed on Facebook, and the news is not good. A new study has come out pointing out the negative effects of Facebook. This study claims to be much more rigorous than those of the past. Of course, Facebook has always had its enemies. It is not surprising … Read more

Where Are the Nation’s Captains?

Where Are the Nation’s Captains?

Traveling by air these days can be stressful. It is increasingly difficult to go on a trip without some incident happening like the recent tussle on United Airlines Flight 3411. More often, however, flights are being canceled or delayed due to mechanical or weather problems. This can lead to hours of waiting … Read more

Software Developers Compete for Our Primal Instincts

Software Developers Compete for Our Primal Instincts 1

Marketers have long understood that one of the most powerful weapons in their arsenal is fear created by anxiety. While anxiety is not properly fear, it does trigger fear, which in turn activates our primal instincts—the fight-or-flight syndrome. Anxiety can provoke many different types of fear: fear of missing out; fear of … Read more

The Conservative Movement and the Danger of the Two-Legged Stool

The Conservative Movement and the Danger of the Two-Legged Stool

The conservative movement’s successful action has been based on the three-legged stool approach of fiscal, defense and moral conservatives. Everyone knows that a stool needs at least three legs if it is going to serve as a place to sit. Any lesser combination turns the stool into something else that more than … Read more

Civilization in an Egg

Civilization in an Egg

What’s small, white, oval, and has a miniature replica of the Russian Gatchina Palace inside? You’re not mistaken if you initially thought of an egg. Of course, the Gatchina Palace Fabergé Egg isn’t your average grade A large white egg that you would buy in a carton at the supermarket. Fabergé Eggs … Read more