What’s Left for the Left to Do?

What’s Left for the Left to Do?

If the 2016 elections proved anything, it was that the classic American order still prevails. Americans still have a strong attachment to the Founders’ vision of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Translating this conservative vision into Red State terms, this means that many Americans still stubbornly cling to their morals, guns, … Read more

When Radical Leftists Tried to Block a Pro-Life March

On February 11, 2017, pro-lifers participated in a march in Washington, D.C. that was supposed to be peaceful and prayerful.

On February 11, 2017, pro-lifers participated in a march in Washington, D.C. that was supposed to be peaceful and prayerful. Thanks to radical liberals, it was anything but peaceful. They tried to block us at practically every intersection. These extremists pushed and shoved us. They pursued us. They shouted and screamed at … Read more

Protests Against Luciferians Really Work

Protests Against Luciferians Really Work 2

At the end of October, 2015, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered together with local friends and supporters to pray the rosary and successfully protest the founding of a “Church” of Lucifer in the small upscale town of Old Town Spring, Texas. The … Read more

Three Reasons Not to Watch Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show

Three Reasons Not to Watch Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show

The Super Bowl is the most-watched television show in the country. As the premier sports event viewed by tens of millions of Americans, it should reflect the nation and its values. That is not what is happening this year. In fact, for some years now, the organizers of the event have featured … Read more

Why Catholics Cannot be Silent about Scorsese’s ‘Silence’

Why Catholics Cannot be Silent about Scorsese’s ‘Silence’ 1

In the history of the Church, many martyrs died for the Faith. Starting with Saint Stephen the Protomartyr shortly after the Resurrection, they were the first to be remembered, venerated for their public witness and raised to the altars with the title of saint. There are also those who denied the Faith … Read more

How Big-Sin Entertainment Is Trying to Squash a Pro-Family Film Company

How Big-Sin Entertainment Is Trying to Squash a Pro-Family Film Company 1

The real problem is the moral model that Hollywood adopted long ago. Entertainment should provide individuals and families with relief from the daily trials that all must face. That’s at least the way it should be. However, the words “family” and “entertainment” don’t often appear together anymore, especially in Hollywood. All the … Read more

The Symbolic Death of a Symbolic Movement

The Symbolic Death of a Symbolic Movement 2

The political left has always preferred to wage its battles in the terms and the imagery of symbols. Whether they be an image such as a Che Gueverra T-shirt, a slogan such as “the 99%,” an action such as Greenpeace photo-op stunt on a coal power plant, or a flesh and blood … Read more