Why Are College Students Using Coloring Books?

Why Are College Students Using Coloring Books?

The recent antics at the nation’s universities have led people to expect almost anything from academia. There are safe spaces that resemble adult playpens where students can shield themselves from “microaggressions.” There are trigger warnings to help students protect their politically-correct sensitivities from free speech. And now… there are college student coloring … Read more

List of Dignitaries Who Signed the Declaration of Fidelity to the Church’s Unchangeable Teaching on Marriage and to Her Uninterrupted Discipline

List of Dignitaries Who Signed the Declaration of Fidelity to the Church’s Unchangeable Teaching on Marriage and to Her Uninterrupted Discipline 1

Declaration of Fidelity to the Church’s Unchangeable Teaching on Marriage and to Her Uninterrupted DisciplineUntil recently, the Catholic Church remained the stronghold of true marriage and family, but errors about these two divine institutions are widespread today in Catholic circles, particularly after the Extraordinary and Ordinary Synods on the family, held in 2014 and 2015, respectively, and the publication of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. In the face of this offensive, the undersigned feel morally obliged to declare their resolve to remain faithful to the Church’s unchangeable teachings on morals and on the Sacraments of Marriage, Reconciliation and the Eucharist, and to Her timeless and enduring discipline regarding those Sacraments.

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Showdown With Satanism in Oklahoma

Showdown With Satanism in Oklahoma

“God Yes!  Satan No!” “Reparation!  Reparation!  Reparation!” “Begone, Satan!  Begone, Satan!” The battlecries rang out in the evening heat. Hundreds of Catholics from around the country came to fight. They yielded the weapons of the prayers of the Church. And the angels descended in force. On August 15, 2016, the Feast of … Read more

At the Threshold of Green Equality

At the Threshold of Green Equality

A revolution is underway that is fundamentally transforming mankind’s relationship with the natural world. Although it began in academia this movement has metastasized and spread, first into the culture, and now into law. This revolution is called Ecology, and its latest phase is the granting of legal personhood to animals, plants, parks, … Read more

Going Where a GPS Cannot Take You: The Joys of Map Reading

Going Where a GPS Cannot Take You: The Joys of Map Reading 3

Technology has undoubtedly improved our lives and made us all more efficient. This is most especially true with regards to navigation. With the mere touch of a button, we can find our way through the labyrinths of modern cities. If we so desire, we are able to make unplanned stops—for whatever strikes … Read more

Where Is Pokémon Go Going?

Where Is Pokémon Go Going? 2

Within the first weeks of its release, the new smartphone game, Pokémon Go has become the latest craze worldwide. It gives the appearance of an innocent game, great social medium and fantastic way to get people off the couch. A different conclusion is reached when one delves into how this game is … Read more

What Happened to Role Models?

What Happened to Role Models? 3

The idea of a Catholic “role model” today has been reduced to a nice person, a charity worker, a 4.0 college student, or a sports star that makes the sign of the cross. These people could very well be role models, but the idea today is very stunted. Many would acknowledge that heroes, … Read more