Choosing Christ Over Chaos: America Needs Fatima to organize over 5,000 Public Rosaries for Police

Choosing Christ Over Chaos: America Needs Fatima to organize over 5,000 Public Rosaries for Police 1

Contact: Robert Ritchie America Needs Fatima Tel.: 717-309-1990 Email: [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Choosing Christ Over Chaos: America Needs Fatima to organize over 5,000 Public Rosaries for Police HANOVER, Penn., (July 14, 2016) — America Needs Fatima is pleased to announce that over 5,000 groups are preparing to pray a Public Rosary for Police in … Read more

Trans-Species: Transgenderism’s Rotten Fruit

Trans-Species: Transgenderism’s Rotten Fruit 1

If a man can become a woman at will, why can’t he be anything else he so desires? Such a relativistic conclusion is already being proposed. Welcome to the world of the trans-species; also know as the furries or otherkins, who suffer from Species Identity Disorder; a frequent theme in homosexual parades. … Read more

The Anonymous Generation

The Anonymous Generation 3

The Center for Bioethics and Culture has recently produced a documentary about sperm donation. Anonymous Father’s Day tells all the facts regarding the practice and highlights personal stories told by donor-conceived children. In the course of an hour, the scope of the so-called “assisted reproductive technology” is candidly discussed by those most … Read more

An Old World Artist Resisting the New Era

An Old World Artist Resisting the New Era 2

“If you love what you do,” the saying goes, “you will never work a day of your life.” Few people in today’s hectic world could say that, but on a recent trip to Charleston, South Carolina, I found one who can. His name is David Anthony Babb but is known in the … Read more

The War of the Straitjackets

The War of the Straitjackets

Looking at the political climate, America’s present condition can be seen as a war of the straitjackets. On one side, there are those who rightfully claim that society needs God and a moral law as a necessary condition for freedom and prosperity. These fight to conserve the remnants of this law. On … Read more

Addressing Our Fractured Republic

Addressing Our Fractured Republic 3

No one disputes the fact that the nation is polarized and coming apart. This is so evident especially in light of the 2016 election cycle. Likewise, no reasonable person can deny that we need to return to the order of social bonds that mitigate the effects of extreme individualism, especially the erosion … Read more