Are the Bathroom Wars “Idiotic Stuff?”

Are the Bathroom Wars “Idiotic Stuff?”

I received an e-mail from an irate reader who claimed that the bathroom wars were all about “idiotic stuff.” Abortion, marriage, and other such issues are all the “frivolous nonsense” by which political parties rile up their bases and control the narrative. The reader claimed that the real issues are economic and … Read more

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity

Lesbian activist Rikki Wilchins has no problem defining her final goal. Her article, “We’ll Win the Bathroom Battle When Binary Burns” clearly states that the goal is to eradicate the differences between man and woman. If a person cannot be identified objectively by his or her characteristics using logic, we cannot know … Read more

The Sorry State of Our Military: Is It Happenstance or Design?

The Sorry State of Our Military: Is It Happenstance or Design? 6

Our military is a mess. Don’t assume it’s accidental. How it must have pained Marine Corps General John Paxton to tell Congress that his service might not be prepared for war. The Assistant Commandant, who has racked up forty-two years of honorable military service, candidly admitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee … Read more

Preventing the Nation From “Going to Pot”

Preventing the Nation From “Going to Pot” 2

Going to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalize Marijuana Is Harming America by William J. Bennett and Robert A. White is an excellent book about the dangers of marijuana use. The book convincingly demonstrates that marijuana is harmful to individuals, marriages, families and society in general. Marijuana use has moral, physiological, psychological, … Read more

What the Bathroom Wars are Really All About

What the Bathroom Wars are Really All About

The so-called bathroom wars have nothing to do with bathrooms but are all about war. The push to allow a person to use the bathroom of his or her choice is merely the latest phase of the sexual revolution. It is part of a relentless war to bring about an irrational equality … Read more

Has Religion Caved In to the Cultural Revolution

Has Religion Caved In to the Cultural Revolution 3

Among the writing of Church Fathers, Saint Augustine writes with great eloquence of the benefits the Church bestows upon society. Contrary to those in our days who see Christians as threats and intruders in the public square, Saint Augustine claims that those who live up to the standards of Christ’s teachings are … Read more

Why Harriet Tubman Should Not Be on the Twenty Dollar Bill

Why Harriet Tubman Should Not Be on the Twenty Dollar Bill 1

It was only a matter of time before the politically correct establishment took aim at the nation’s currency. It is not enough that the value of the dollar should slowly decline toward monopoly money, it must also eventually look like it as well. The staid dollar notes were just too correct to … Read more