Protesting an Immoral Show: Why It’s Important

Protesting an Immoral Show - Why It’s Important

Fifty-two brave individuals protested the “Kansas Burlesque Festival” in Topeka, Kansas on March 5th. They are brave because to stand up for what is right requires bravery. It is so much easier to talk about traditional values than it is to prove one’s convictions with actual deeds. A local organization, Visit Topeka, … Read more

Five Things That Have Turned Us Into a Nation of Whiners

Five Things That Have Turned Us Into a Nation of Whiners

On campuses nationwide, students have whined about what they call “micro-aggressions.” People suffering from “micro-aggressions” are offended by tiny acts that might in some slight way, point to politically incorrect behavior. The offended student then feels free to demand changes from college administrators in a very macro-aggressive way. Such an attitude is … Read more

Are Youth Hopelessly Addicted to e-Books?

Are Youth Hopelessly Addicted to e-Books?

There is a tendency among older people to write off youth as enthusiastic supporters of all that is modern in today’s culture. If something is traditional, it is assumed that young people are against it. This is especially true in the field of the technology. Young people and children are supposedly obsessed … Read more

The Empty Chair

The Empty Chair

There was a time when people read books. In fact people still do, but the trend among the young and future generation is changing. Is it a good change? Perhaps it would be prudent to think and see. Imagine a leather-bound book on a shelf or night stand. During a calm moment, … Read more

Reflections on Women in Combat

Reflections on Women in Combat 2

One of the most earthshaking decisions of our country in 2015 occurred on December 3, when Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter declared that all combat jobs would become open to women with “no exceptions.” While it is horrible enough that women will be exposed to the horrors of war, the shock waves … Read more

“They” is Destroying the English Language

“They” is Destroying the English Language

Entering the new year, something tragic happened in the world of grammar and language usage. Over 200 linguists of the American Dialect Society met in Washington, D.C. to choose their “Word of the Year.” They overwhelmingly chose the singular use of the pronoun “they.” Singular they, as it is called, is not … Read more

The March for Life Fights On—Despite Everything

The March for Life Fights On—Despite Everything

Despite the threat of a blizzard, tens of thousands of pro-life activists gathered in Washington, D.C. for the 43rd annual March for Life on January 22. Despite the shameless media reports emphasizing the “small crowds”due to the blizzard threat, throngs of people still managed to pack the mall, streets and sidewalks as they … Read more

Remembering Mr. Jeremiah Wells

Remembering Mr. Jeremiah Wells 1

Members of the American TFP mourn the passing of Mr. Jeremiah Wells on January 11, 2016. Anyone who knew him would agree he was a man who lived a life worthy of a book. It is therefore fitting to take at least a glimpse at the colorful life of this atypical Catholic … Read more

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!

As the nation heads into the next election cycle, there is much frustration, angst and anxiety directed at a system that does not seem to work. Everyone senses there is something terribly wrong with the country. The worst part of this growing malaise is the feeling that no one seems to know … Read more