The Benedict Option Without Benedict

The Benedict Option Without Benedict

Many conservatives are facing the brutal reality of a culture that undermines their Faith and destroys their values. Not a few have made the logical comparison to the Christians facing both the Roman Empire’s decadent “establishment” and the ruthlessly aggressive ways of the barbarians who threatened to destroy what remained of civilization. … Read more

Assisted Reproductive Technology: Making Children an Entitlement

Assisted Reproductive Technology: Making Children an Entitlement 2

The sexual revolution decades ago drove to separate the marital act from marriage. Promiscuity for both men and women transformed mentalities almost overnight. The act of procreation was turned into an act of recreation. The use of contraception, abortion, and sterilization ensured that pregnancy would not result from what came to be … Read more

Turning Things Around in Our Lifetime

Turning Things Around in Our Lifetime

In face of the problems that afflict society, many people despair of a solution. Yet how often it is said: “We are not going to turn this thing around in our lifetime.” Such an attitude reflects a real dearth of leadership. It’s not the economy, education or even big government that is … Read more

Five Ways Student Loans Are Ruining Our Economy and Culture

Five Ways Student Loans Are Ruining Our Economy and Culture 2

As the fall semester begins, students are attending classes and incurring great debt. A July report of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia finds that student loans have increased tenfold since 1999. Even worse is the acceleration of this debt over the last eight years. Since 2007, loans doubled from $537 billion … Read more

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Gender Ideology Must Be Resisted

Mr. Mathias von Gersdorff is a director of the German Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). He also directs the campaigns Children in Danger, which deals with the effects of pornography and media upon children, and SOS Life that deals with pro-life issues, both special campaigns of the … Read more

The “Jennerization” of Language: Say Goodbye to He and She

The “Jennerization” of Language: Say Goodbye to He and She

""""[vc_column_text]The “Jennerization” of America continues apace. The major battlegrounds now are the country’s schools. This time language itself has become the target. As published in the Daily Mail, students and staff at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville received a memo advising them to avoid referring to anyone’s gender. The announcement came … Read more

News Release: Cardinals, Bishops and 500,000 Faithful Ask Pope Francis to Reaffirm Church Teaching at Synod

News Release: Cardinals, Bishops and 500,000 Faithful Ask Pope Francis to Reaffirm Church Teaching at Synod

Hanover, Pennsylvania — August, 2015: Ahead of the upcoming Synod on the Family in Rome, dozens of organizations are collecting petitions to Pope Francis, asking him to reinforce Church teaching on marriage and family. Today, the worldwide petition surpassed 500,000 signatures, including those of 5 cardinals, 117 bishops and hundreds of prominent … Read more