Human Touch or iTouch

Human Touch or iTouch 4

“What would you think if a robot showed up with your food?” This is the question I asked Ross and Kelly, a young couple in a Newark, New Jersey airport restaurant. “Oh, interesting,” answered an intrigued Kelly. “No thanks,” disagreed Ross, “you would miss the human touch.” Not the best way to … Read more

405,000 Send Filial Appeal to the Pope

405,000 Send Filial Appeal to the Pope

405,000 people, including 104 prelates — cardinals, archbishops and bishops — have so far signed the “Filial Petition” to His Holiness Pope Francis asking for “a word of clarification” as the “only way to overcome the growing confusion among the faithful” in matters of marriage and homosexual unions. For the signatories, an … Read more

The War on the Culture War

The War on the Culture War 1

The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision mandating same-sex “marriage” nationwide is being heralded as the decisive blow in the nation’s Culture War. It is proof, pundits say, that Christianity is in decline and the massive reaction to the sexual revolution of the sixties has failed. Culture Warriors are now being urged to bow … Read more

The Democrats’ Train to Nowhere

A conservative friend of mine was looking at the political and moral horizon and complained that he thought all was lost. He sought in vain for signs of hope and asked if there might be something, however small, that would serve as an indicator that the conservative cause has a future. He … Read more

The Monsters Among Us

Another horrible mass murder has taken place and the nation mourns. It is yet one more incident in a string of such crimes that has come to characterize our sad times. While the Charleston shootings have undoubted racial overtones, the event does not represent a massive culture of racial hatred as is … Read more

Voice of the Family’s Statement on the Encyclical Laudato Si’

Voice of the Family's Statement on the Encyclical Laudato Si’ 2

ROME, 18th June 2015 The international coalition Voice of the Family is deeply concerned by the omission from the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ of a reaffirmation of the Church’s teaching against contraception and on procreation as the primary end of the sexual act. The encyclical, published this morning, contains the welcome assertions that “concern for the protection … Read more

Radical Environmentalists Demand Compensation: You Pay

Radical Environmentalists Demand Compensation: You Pay

With the close of the Bonn climate change conference, radical environmentalists seem unfazed by the failure of their agenda to redistribute global wealth. However, that has not stopped them from demanding your money to pay for anything they deem caused by anthropogenic (man-made) climate change. They insist upon de-carbonizing the global economy … Read more

Paying Not to Wait

The thing which man most desires in this life is happiness. Yet it is the most illusive of treasures. This is due, in large part, to modern man’s agitated spirit and insatiable craving for instant gratification. This can be seen in a new mobile device games craze. Things have come a long … Read more

The Benedict Option and the Barbarian Challenge

The Benedict Option and the Barbarian Challenge

Scratch the soul of many a conservative and beneath you will find a villager. Something is there that attracts these Americans to more natural and simpler lifestyles. Perhaps it is because organic and authentic things appear restful and reassuring in a world of uncertainties and anxieties. However, what makes the organic option … Read more