Drug Legalization: The Road to Nirvana

Critics of present drug policy claim prevention programs are not working. Efforts aimed at convincing teenagers not to become addicted have not stopped drug usage. At the same time law enforcement officers, taking a supply-side approach to the problem, have not prevented drugs from reaching thriving markets. Many claim the solution lies … Read more

The Sagging Morale in Today’s Military

Morale has always been an important part of gauging the readiness of any army from ancient times to the present. It is a winning element in any engagement. When a strong unit has lost the will to win, they often do lose to inferior forces. Unfortunately, it seems that our military today … Read more

Can a Society of Spikes and Body-Cameras Long Survive?

There are many who propose solutions in our post-Ferguson America. In light of recent security breaches, for example, the White House security staff announced that it is considering putting spikes on the fence separating the President and the American people. In a similar vein, many liberal activists are demanding that police be … Read more

Four Things That Can Replace Common Core

Progressive educators have an obsession for results, especially test scores. Higher scores supposedly prove children will be more “career and college ready” after graduation. For this reason, these educators are forever coming up with all sorts of one-size-fits-all programs like Common Core that they believe will solve the problem of flagging test … Read more

Good Pro-Life News from Kansas

On April 28, a very important bill was signed that will do much to protect the unborn. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed into law the “Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act.” This law forbids the dismemberment of the unborn during abortion. Due to the importance of this bill for the pro-life … Read more

Scientists in Rome to Advise Pope Francis on Climate Policy

Scientists in Rome to Advise Pope Francis on Climate Policy

The Heartland Institute sent a team of climate scientists to Rome this week to inform Pope Francis of the truth about climate science: There is no global warming crisis. A slate of independent scientists and policy experts offer a “prebuttal” to the Vatican’s April 28 “Climate Summit.” Climate scientists and policy experts … Read more

The Two Flags of the March for Marriage

With the Supreme Court deliberating on the issue of same-sex “marriage” this week, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition Family and Property (TFP), joined the National Organization for Marriage’s March for Marriage 2015 on April 25, which attracted a pro-family crowd of approximately 10,000 onto Capitol Hill in a peaceful … Read more

Can You Force People to Sin?

Those who want to opt out of serving at same-sex “marriage” functions often claim a right to religious liberty. Some say it is a matter of following one’s beliefs and conscience. Still others believe it involves freedom of speech and opinions. Such claims, while valid, are doomed to fail, because the center of … Read more

Expanding Hopes in Hazleton

Expanding Hopes in Hazleton

The event could not have been better timed. The brisk spring afternoon was a welcome change after a long hard winter in Hazleton, Penn. The budding trees awakened hopes of new life and possibilities. From the meeting room on the mountain top restaurant, there was a spectacular view of the Conyngham Valley … Read more