Through Fear, Strident Words and Sloppy Statistics, the International Energy Agency Plots an Eco-Future

Through Fear, Strident Words and Sloppy Statistics, the International Energy Agency Plots an Eco-Future

Perhaps no industry is more inherently prone to gigantism than energy production. Locating the raw materials, be they coal, oil or natural gas, is speculative and expensive. Refining and transporting those raw materials makes them even more costly. Turning them into electric power requires massive boilers and other machinery. Then, distributing this energy … Read more

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

No, the Abortion Issue Did Not Lose Its Edge in the Last Elections

The long battle over procured abortion has been a constant psywar. The media have done their best to create a hostile climate around those defending life while seeking to give the impression that everyone supports abortion. Pro-lifers have fought back tooth and nail by presenting a vibrant, compassionate movement that contradicts this … Read more

1,038 Rosary Rallies Celebrate Our Police on November 11th

1,038 Rosary Rallies Celebrate Our Police on November 11th

Despite anti-police sentiment stoked by the radical left, real Americans value the police, the public defenders who put their lives on the line for us every day. For this reason, America Needs Fatima promoted over 1,000 Rosary Rallies in support of the police on November 11 in communities all across the nation. … Read more

Fr. James Martin Fans Hate the Rosary but Love Sin

Fr. James Martin Fans Hate the Rosary but Love Sin

Georgetown University invited the notorious pro-homosexual priest Fr. James Martin, S.J. to speak on campus. As part of Jesuit Heritage Month, the talk was hosted on November 6 in Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart. Before Fr. Martin’s talk began, a contingent of TFP Student Action volunteers held a prayerful protest outside … Read more

Under Pius IX’s Direction, the Archbishop of Paris Grudgingly Lifts His Condemnation of l’Univers

Under Pius IX’s Direction, the Archbishop of Paris Grudgingly Lifts His Condemnation of l’Univers

Two great misfortunes marked Louis Veuillot’s life during Felix Dupanloup’s, the Bishop of Orleans, campaign to get the French episcopate to condemn L’Univers. First, Veuillot’s six-month old daughter, Thérèse passed away in July 1852. In November, his wife died of peritonitis shortly after giving birth to their daughter Medeline. Grief-stricken, the editor-in-chief … Read more

One Man’s Story of How Cuba Hasn’t Changed

One Man’s Story of How Cuba Hasn’t Changed

In the summer of 2021, vast numbers of Cuban citizens rose in protest against the nation’s communist regime. They hoped that international public opinion would take notice of their loud cries for freedom and deliver them to help remove the yoke of communist slavery. Sadly, those hopes and protests fell upon deaf … Read more

Here’s Three Ways to Practice Your Faith in Business

Here’s Three Ways to Practice Your Faith in Business

I asked myself what I might present to a group of Catholic entrepreneurs who want to practice their Faith in business. The task is rendered difficult by the times and the many misconceptions people have about the Faith and finances. Some Catholics think the Christian business model should be based on charity. … Read more

What is the Solution to Today’s Dramatic Rise in Anxiety?

What is the Solution to Today’s Dramatic Rise in Anxiety?

Anxiety levels have increased drastically in recent times. Recent surveys indicate that 27 percent of respondents displayed anxiety disorder symptoms, up from eight percent reported in 2019. Youth are especially affected by this disorder. Sufferers experience nervousness, an impending sense of danger or panic, rapid heart rates, quickened breathing, perspiration and lack … Read more