“Liberty, Equality, Homosexuality?”

“Liberty, Equality, Homosexuality?” 1

The French Revolution of 1789 was based on the ideological philosophy of the Enlightenment summarized in the famous trilogy, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.” By imposing full equality on society, the advocates of this philosophy sought to bring about complete freedom and an idyllic brotherhood among men. The Guillotine’s “Fraternity” As is well known, … Read more

What Is Meant By An Inorganic Society?

What Is Meant By An Inorganic Society? 2

What would an inorganic society be like? It would resemble a machine. That is to say, all its parts would be moved by the will of a single external and centralized agent much in the way a person turns on a machine. The obedience of each of its parts to this agent … Read more

We Grow Old by Deserting Our Ideals

We Grow Old by Deserting Our Ideals 2

General Douglas MacArthur was so inspired by Samuel Ullman’s poem that he popularized it and kept a framed copy in his office while Supreme Allied Commander in Japan. He quoted it so often in his speeches that it became known as “MacArthur’s Credo.” The Poem: Nobody grows old by merely living a … Read more

An Obvious Conclusion About Marriage

An Obvious Conclusion About Marriage

It should be an obvious conclusion to reach: Marriage is good for society. History confirms this conclusion. Economists can document it. Teachers can perceive it. Children experience it. And yet so many do not want to reach this easy and obvious conclusion. However, it is an undisputed fact that has now been … Read more

The Story of Saint Peter Claver, Apostle of Slaves

The Story of Saint Peter Claver, Apostle of Slaves

  A disciple of Saint Alphonse Rodriguez, Peter Claver became a slave of the slaves in order to take them to heaven. His outstanding charity led him to fulfill everyone’s spiritual needs and combat their moral misery. His feast is celebrated on September 9. One day as he was in prayer, Alphonse … Read more

Condemnation of Prince Harry’s Scandalous Las Vegas Behavior

Condemnation of Prince Harry’s Scandalous Las Vegas Behavior 4

Although the American TFP is thankful for the good example Prince Harry has given to millions worldwide by serving in the British Army and fighting Islamist terrorists in Afghanistan — a fine example of military dedication and sacrifice that pacifists find loathsome — we are appalled and vehemently condemn his scandalous and immoral … Read more

The Majesty of Calmness

The Majesty of Calmness 4

Calmness is the rarest quality in human life. It is the poise of a great nature, in harmony with itself and its ideals. It is the moral atmosphere of a life self-reliant and self-controlled. Calmness is singleness of purpose, absolute confidence, and conscious power — ready to be focused in an instant … Read more