Women in Combat

Women in Combat 1

During the 1968 Tet Offensive, then Captain Gordon Batcheller earned the Navy Cross when his unit, Company A, 1st Battalion Marines, engaged a numerically superior force of the North Vietnamese Army. Although injured by shrapnel, he aggressively led his men in a fierce assault against the enemy and was seriously wounded in … Read more

Interview With Lord Monckton at the Rio+20 Conference

Interview With Lord Monckton at the Rio+20 Conference 2

If anyone has any doubts about the true nature of the green environmental movement, they should talk to Lord Christopher Monckton. This inspiring Catholic English lord has been challenging the movement for years. He even challenged Al Gore to a debate but the inconvenient truth is that the famous environmentalist has not … Read more

Exposing the Eco-Myths at the Rio Summit

Exposing the Eco-Myths at the Rio Summit 3

""""[vc_column_text]Twenty years after the original Earth Summit (Eco 92), a diminished number of world leaders reconvened again in Rio de Janeiro, from June 20-22 for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). The earlier event promoted a radical ecological agenda based on many myths about the environment. At this year’s summit, … Read more

Traditional, Aristocratic and Authentic Elites

Traditional, Aristocratic and Authentic Elites 4

Qualifiers such as professional, cultural, moral, ethnic and so forth usually accompany the word elite. For this reason, it is useful to describe the meaning of three frequent qualifiers for the word: traditional, aristocratic and authentic. A professional elite can be traditional without being aristocratic. For example, it can be made up … Read more

Bringing the Homosexual Agenda to a Local Level

Bringing the Homosexual Agenda to a Local Level 2

Generally speaking, the homosexual movement has had difficulty convincing the American public opinion on matters like same-sex “marriage.” Ballot initiatives across the country have handed the movement resounding defeats as can be seen in the recent North Carolina primary where same-sex “marriage” was defeated by a landslide. Even in more liberal states, … Read more

Through the Valley of Death

Through the Valley of Death 2

Once in a while a story of heroism comes along which leaves us speechless. This is the case when one hears the deeds of Marine Sergeant Jeremiah Workman. On December 23, 2004, he was a squad leader clearing houses in Fallujah, Iraq, when a group of fellow Marines were ambushed and penned … Read more

Why Can’t Evolution Evolve?

Why Can’t Evolution Evolve? 2

Tennessee is once again in the news over a recent law on evolution. This time around, the pro-evolution forces are in full retreat. A full 87 years after the Scopes trail, the new law gives teachers broad new rights to call into question evolutionary theory and teach alternative scientific explanation favoring creation. … Read more

Attacked by Tolerance

Attacked by Tolerance 3

Watch this video on Gloria.tv How Same-sex “Marriage” Advocates use Violence Against Traditional Marriage Supporters In this newly released video, volunteers with the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) describe how they were violently assaulted by pro-homosexual “marriage” advocates while promoting traditional marriage on college campuses and … Read more

Cardinal Mindszenty, a Victim of Communism, Fully Rehabilitated in Hungary

Cardinal Mindszenty, a Victim of Communism, Fully Rehabilitated in Hungary 3

The glorious Cardinal Josef Mindszenty, Archbishop-Prince of Esztergom and Primate-Regent of Hungary, has been fully rehabilitated from the legal, moral and political standpoints by legislation passed by the Parliament in Budapest and by a ruling of the Hungarian Supreme Court. Both powers have recognized the Primate’s complete innocence and declared null and … Read more