Bringing the Hat Back to Charleston

Bringing the Hat Back to Charleston 1

On Saturday, April 23, over 200 women in their finest Easter apparel gathered in Washington Park in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. Some brought their husbands and children. Both young and young at heart came united by a common purpose: to share with the public their love for a seemingly lost tradition: The … Read more

A Padre in Jump Boots

A Padre in Jump Boots 5

At 1:15 am, on June 6, 1944, most people in German-occupied Normandy were asleep. Then, from the west, came the increasing drone of aircraft engines and of anti-aircraft fire. The largest air armada ever assembled was passing over — 882 U.S. planes, which now began to disgorge their contents: thirteen thousand paratroopers … Read more

Sodom and Gomorrah’s Totalitarian Ideology

One of the best methods to track the evolution of the disruptive process destroying what remains of our Christian civilization, and–wherever possible–the same order created and desired by God, is to analyze the messages conveyed by certain advertisements, particularly those of a less commercial and more ideological nature. Advertising and Homosexual Ideology … Read more

Fr. Joseph O’Callahan: The Bravest Man

""""[vc_column_text] “Mrs. O’Callahan, your son is the bravest man I ever saw.” What went through this mother’s mind as she listened to Capt. Leslie Gehres, commander of the USS Franklin? Her son did not fit the stereotypical image of a hero. He was more scholarly than athletic, more likely pictured in front … Read more

Atheists Attack 9/11 Cross

Atheists Attack 9/11 Cross 2

Atheists are trying to remove the 9/11 Cross from the Ground Zero museum and memorial. We must fight back.  Pray.  And sign the: —  Urgent Petition  — Keep the Cross at Ground Zero A group called American Atheists is suing to get the World Trade Center Cross removed from the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in New … Read more

Fr. Emil Kapaun: The Good Thief

On Easter morning, March 25, 1951, the Catholic priest mounted the steps of a partially destroyed church, and turned to face his congregation, some 60 men–gaunt, foul-smelling, in tattered clothing. Fr. Emil Kapaun raised a small, homemade, wooden cross to begin a prayer service, led the men in the Rosary, heard the … Read more

True Role Models and Real Adventure

True Role Models and Real Adventure 1

""""[vc_column_text] Who should young Catholic men look up to as role models? Rock stars? Football players? Actors? At the annual Louisiana Call to Chivalry camp, boys are presented with true Catholic role models to admire and imitate. Each camp has its own theme and this year’s centered on historical figures of the … Read more

Catholic Military Chaplains: America’s Forgotten Heroes

Catholic Military Chaplains: America's Forgotten Heroes 7

“War is Hell” General William Tecumseh Sherman once noted. Indeed there is nothing to celebrate about warfare; however unfortunately it has been present with mankind in his fallen nature since departing from the Garden of Eden. War was a common affair throughout the Old Testament. Saint Augustine understood the sometimes unfortunate necessity … Read more

Fighting Christianophobia In Brussels

Fighting Christianophobia In Brussels 2

On June 22, the Pro Europa Christiana Federation held a rally in front of the European Parliament to launch its signature campaign in favor of the recognition of an annual World Day against Christianophobia. In Brussels’ Luxembourg Square, a few dozen members distributed thousands of leaflets to passersby. To attract public attention, … Read more

Youthful Souls: Attacked On All Sides

Youthful Souls: Attacked On All Sides 2

In the ongoing assault on the mentality of American youth, we have to be amazed at the resourceful and relentless completeness of the attack. Many casual observers, but not all, accept the fact that it is coordinated in all its aspects. Some prefer to see the destructive programs as a series of … Read more