23 Genders

23 Genders 3

In matters of human sexuality, there are male and female. It is an established biological fact. It is from this fact that comes the family which assures the continuity of the human race. From the family comes society and the State which works toward the common good and perfection of our nature. … Read more

Front Alley Abortion

Front Alley Abortion 1

One of the major arguments that feminists use to impose abortion upon our country is that women, especially poor women, are going to get abortions anyway. By providing “safe” facilities to these poor women, we can prevent them from resorting to shady back alley abortion doctors, persons lacking the necessary skills, or … Read more

Defending the Citadel of Marriage

Defending the Citadel of Marriage 3

It is one of those strange contradictions of the liberals that they change their position when it suits them. It was back in the sixties when they began their brutal attack on marriage. Feminists hated the institution because they said it enslaved them. Sexual liberation was to be extended to all consenting … Read more

Evolution: The Lonely Dinosaur

Evolution: The Lonely Dinosaur 2

Some biologists teach that all dinosaurs became extinct because they simply could not adapt to the dramatic climate changes that shook the earth at that time. According to the dogma of “survival of the fittest,” the demise of the dinosaurs is a tragic example of what happens when there is a failure … Read more

Home Depot Pushes Homosexual Sin to Children

Home Depot Pushes Homosexual Sin to Children 3

According to news reports from the American Family Association •  In the 2010 annual homosexual pride festival of Central Pennsylvania, Home Depot had workshops geared towards children •  An “OK Gay Daddy” hosted The Home Depot workshop for children •  At the same festival, Home Depot employees marched children down the homosexual … Read more

The Dictatorship of Equality – A Catholic Perspective

The Dictatorship of Equality - A Catholic Perspective 2

Part I An Ill-Disguised Dictatorship   Why do most people feel uncomfortable talking about equality?  Is it fear of being “different?” Fear of being ridiculed? Fear of rejection? Political correctness? Peer pressure? No one admits it, but everyone is aware of an ill-disguised dictatorship of equality that creates uneasiness at the sole … Read more

Eugenics: Anencephalic Fetuses Are Subhuman “Par Excellence,” Brazilian Anthropologist Says


A well-known Brazilian pro-abortion activist and anthropologist Debora Diniz (photo) once wrote an article defending “selective pregnancy interruption (SPI)” that is, the murdering of babies with grave physical deficiencies. Her article gives the sinister reasons behind the struggle to de-criminalize this type of abortion. In a pedantic text in Brazilian Portuguese, Diniz … Read more

Looking at the Family as a Regenerating Force in Society

Looking at the Family as a Regenerating Force in Society 1

The book, The Christian Institution of the Family: A Dynamic Force to Regenerate Society, is an easy to read yet thoughtful work that takes a different approach in explaining the role of the family. Written and promoted by the TFP in the United Kingdom, it gives an accurate historical background of the … Read more

When Does a Soldier Become Expendable?

When Does a Soldier Become Expendable? 5

How much is the life of an American soldier worth? When does a soldier become expendable? Those are the questions we need to ask in the coming days. A wounded soldier in Afghanistan will find himself airlifted half way around the world for treatment within hours. In this, we see the admirable … Read more

Protest Against Satanic “Exorcism”

Protest Against Satanic "Exorcism" 2

On Thursday, October 21 a public satanic ritual was performed at the Civic Center in Oklahoma City, Okla. The ritual was billed as a mockery of the Catholic Rite of Exorcism rather than what it really was—a satanic ceremony performed in public. Around thirty-five dedicated Catholic souls stood with TFP and America … Read more